You can help stop bullying

Bullying is an issue in our world today, and one group that's been hit hard is made up of lesbian gay transsexual bisexual youth.

There is something we can do. You may have heard of recent deaths in the gay community. It seems that lately, suicides make up a significant number of these deaths. Take the late Jamey Rodemeyer. This young man killed himself on Sept. 18, after years of peers taunting him online with epithets like "I wouldn't care if you died. No one would. So just do it 🙂 It would make everyone WAY more happier!"

While his friends came to his aid on multiple occasions, the bullying eventually prevailed, and Jamey, just 14 years old, committed suicide.

Depressing as the bullying problem may be, we are by no means powerless to help. Local Gay-Straight Alliances and organizations such as Gay Central Valley and It Gets Better offer support as well as opportunities to help stop bullying by spreading awareness, hosting events, and participating in demonstrations.

Whether you are gay or straight, whether you attend school or not, you have the power to prevent future suicides and hatred toward homosexual young adults. Get involved today.

Jonah Ryan Bassman




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