Weekly Round Up Friday July 29, 2011


Happy Friday!

Happy end of July… wow! Did you get all your summer reading/tanning/swimming/relaxing/vacationing… done? If not, or if you still have the energy to be adventurous in August, check out this list of great fun (and sometimes free) things to do in the great outdoors! (Unless you are headed to the movies this weekend… more on that later.)

But before you head off to King’s Canyon for a hike or to pool to get back to relaxing, check out these notes about this week’s news.

Prop 8 Update: CA’s Supreme Court has scheduled a September 6th hearing to consider whether ballot initiative sponsors have the legal standing to fight the court’s previous ruling.

The Baltimore Oriels and True Blood’s Alex Skarsgard joined the “It Gets Better” campaign.

The country of Columbia is planning on legalizing same-sex marriages.

Apple has pulled i-Tunes from the Christian Values Network citing their affiliation with hate groups that are anti LGBT and anti women . But it isn’t just Apple that deserves a thumbs up for distancing themselves from the CVN… Microsoft dropped out two weeks ago, along with Macy’s, REI, Delta Airlines, BBC America and Wells Fargo.

In Olivette Missouri two gay-rights measures passed the city council on Tuesday : a domestic partnership registry and an amendment to an anti-discrimination ordinance forbidding housing discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.

Gender bending roles for actors and actresses has been, if not common, not totally unheard of. But what about transgendered actors/actresses? A recent New York Times article talks about the struggle of the trans thespian.

The evolving attitudes towards gay and trans communities in Canada is being credited, in part, to the positive portrayal that such groups have been receiving on mainstream TV and in pop culture.

Mo Rocca (from The Daily Show and Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me) has come out of the closet.

Last year’s Day in Gay America from the Advocate was so successful… they are doing I again! Charge your camera, read the details, and then take part!

And lastly… What’s your movie going pleasure this weekend? Cowboys vs Aliens? Or… Neil Patrick Harris and Tim Gunn in The Smurfs!

Here’s the trailer!



That’s it for me… have a fun, and safe, weekend!


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