Weekly Round Up for Friday June 17th 2011

Happy Friday!

Father’s Day is in two days…. Are you ready? If your dad is local consider an activity like tomorrow’s Chile Festival in downtown Fresno. Or you know, a tie or BBQ equipment. Either way, I’m sure he’ll love it. But before you do a mad dash shopping trip or call your siblings as a last ditch effort for that group gift…. Here are a few tid bits of news worth noting.

Breaking News this morning: From CNN: “In what the U.S. State Department is calling a "historic step," the U.N. Human Rights Council in Geneva passed a resolution Friday supporting equal rights for all, regardless of sexual orientation.”

In KY, a public swimming pool barred two gay men from using the pool. citing the Bible as their authority

In LA this week the bankruptcy court declared DOMA a violation of the constitution’s equal protection guarantee.

In San Francisco, BART will be showing its Gay Pride with 100 Gay Pride Posters that will adorn the cars for the month of June. They will also be running extra cars during pride (June 26th).

Good job to Safeway for not letting it slide…. The store has fired an employee who used a gay slur to insult a gay couple in DC.

While we are still waiting on NY to vote regarding same sex marriage, the NY Assembly passed a bill this week that is designed to add gender identity and expression to the state's nondiscrimination laws. The bill, known as GENDA, passed in a 78-53 vote.

More on the continuing sad saga of the Gay Girl in Damascus.

And just in case you missed it… Judge Ware ruled on Tuesday that Judge Walker’s ruling on Prop 8 (that it was unconstitutional) can’t be challenged due to Judge Walker’s status as a gay man.

And lastly.. not related but still fun, The Green Lantern opens today. Here’s the trailer!

That’s all for me… have a great, and safe, weekend!


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