
Washington State on the Edge Of Marriage Equality

Washington State, which has had domestic partnerships since 2007 and an “everything  but marriage” law since 2009 is now on the precipice of becoming the 7th U.S. state (New York, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont and Iowa) to legalize same sex marriage. With the announcement of support by a Democratic Senator who would become the 25th vote, securing the issue in the legislature, it’s all starting to look like a “done deal”.


The announcement by Sen. Mary Margaret Haugen, D-Camano Island, that she would cast the 25th and deciding vote in favor of the issue came has hundreds of people filled the Capitol to advocate for and against gay marriage.

"I know this announcement makes me the so-called 25th vote, the vote that ensures passage," Haugen said in a statement. She said she took her time making up her mind to "to reconcile my religious beliefs with my beliefs as an American, as a legislator, and as a wife and mother who cannot deny to others the joys and benefits I enjoy. This is the right vote and it is the vote I will cast when this measure comes to the floor."

With a governor who has publically supported the passing of same sex marriage, the typical opponents are already rattling their cages…

"You are saying as a committee and a Legislature that you know better than God," said Ken Hutcherson, pastor of Antioch Bible Church.

"I want to re-emphasize that we fully expect that this issue is going to end up on the ballot," said Rep. Jamie Pedersen, D-Seattle and sponsor of the House bill, said at a news conference following Haugen's announcement. "People should not be complacent."



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