VIDEO: Medical Marijuana Gets A Helping Hand in Colorado

Watch television on any day of the week for any period of time and you'll be overwhelmed at the number of ads there are for drugs. Pharmaceutical drugs, but drugs none the less. Given that the death rate in America due to prescription drugs is around 100,000 it's fair to say that just because something is prescribed, doesn't mean it's safe.

Still, across the country, medical marijuana and marijuana in general is still vilified by the majority of people, despite the fact that it's one of the most therapeutically active substances on the planet. Add to that the fact that there's never been a single death from marijuana in all recorded history, that it's not a gateway drug, does not create violent or criminal behavior, and that it has the possibility of helping millions of Americans who suffer from chronic pain and a vast number of other maladies, and it's still a mystery why facts fall away and myth rules the roost on this issue.

Now, in Colorado, where medical marijuana is legal but many doctors still won't prescribe it, some people are taking matters into their own hands...


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