VIDEO: Madonna – Girl Gone Wild

Okay, this song is about 20 years too late for this icon. As a club DJ, I'll have to play it, and play it, and play it. I already have been for about a month, and they run up and dance to it. But let's be honest ..."girl"? I don't know. I've followed and loved Madge's career since 1982, when she splashed on the scene and I was living in New York, thinking like everyone else that this was some powerful black girl singer. She's more than proven her chops over the years. Still, I'm having a little problem with her latest, which sounds like the sound track to a cheesy, exploitative VHS tape.

Let's face it...Madonna has crossed all borderlines (no pun intended) and matured over and over throughout the years. She's a force to be reckoned with...a woman who's broken down every barrier she came across...a mother with adopted children she's often prolific activist for various causes...and a brilliant performer and artist.

But...she's not a "girl" and she's long moved past "going wild". This latest track screams of last ditch desperation at the age of 53. And really, why act like this at that age? Why not own your maturity and evolution?

My guess, and my hope is that maybe not the next album, but maybe the next after that, Madonna will settle into her position in life, and give us a mature, introspective and quantifying album. Girl gone wild? We've all heard that for 30 years. Let's hope that Madge puts aside her desperate need for sex tart attention and move back to her strength and her real power...mature writer with an ear for hooks and a focus on relevance and controversy...

Still, I'll have to play it...and play it...and play it...


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