VIDEO: How Do We Judge Ourselves?

So many humans spend their lives working to promote their frame of reference, their belief system, their thought processes and the way they think others should behave. Why, on this one planet, are we as humans, a single species, so inept at accepting each other?

Watch the attached video and imagine yourself on Earth, even your own particular corner of Earth. Watch as the camera pulls away and moves farther and farther away from our home planet. Watch and revel in just how vast a universe we are lucky to live in, to survive and even thrive in.

This is the opening to one of my all time favorite movies, CONTACT. The opening is built off of scientific study of the universe. It's backed up by fact, and although it's created digitally, it's an accurate depiction of our known universe.

After watching it, try to rationalize to yourself the inequity of our world. Reason through the injustices, the hatred, the prejudice and the economic and political imbalance mired in the foundation of America and other countries. See if you can explain to yourself why we are so divided when in fact, we are very much alone.

We are an un-noticed speck buried in a vast expanse. We are, as it stands now, insignificant, at least in terms of the whole. It's hard to fathom, since the volume of space is literally too complex for the human brain to comprehend.

So how do we, being such an insignificant speck of dust, work so hard at destroying those who are different than us?

It tends to give you a good dose of perspective...


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