The LGBT Community Center… and YOU!

Good morning!

Today I wanted to talk briefly about some of the stuff that has gone on and will be going on at the Community Center.

But first, a reminder. The Community Center is there for YOU! If there is an activity, a group, or something that you want to happen, please let us know. Having an idea doesn’t mean that you have to organize the event (that is what the cheerful staff is for). We want to hear what you want at your Community Center. More social events? More workshops? More fund raisers? More hobby related themed evenings?

Again, the Community Center is a place for us to come together as a community. I know a lot of people are a bit splintered off into their own Activist groups,, which is fine (more than fine, it is awesome), but let’s not forget that before we can actively work for social change we need a strong community base. Before we can change the world, we need to make there a safe place for our youth and for those fresh out of the closet.

So thinking caps on! Feel free to leave a comment with your idea or call the center during normal business hours (Wed-Sat, 12-5).

Last Friday there was the art potluck. This is a monthly event that encourages you to find your inner artist while hanging out is a fun and safe environment. Your artwork can either be left at the Center to help us decorate, or taken home.  (The next Art Night is TBD, keep checking back and we will let you know as soon as it gets scheduled.)

On Saturday we hosted a Writers Workshop to assist those interested in submitting their stories for the LGBT Anthology set to be published later this year. It was not only a useful time in terms of writing and working, but it was really nice to bond and for people to meet and interact. We will be having one more Writing Workshop on July 16th (noon to 3pm) and the deadline for submittals is August 1st. Again, sharing your story (maximum of 1000 words) can be a powerful thing not only for the potential youth and other community members to read, but for yourself as well.

Another activity that happened at the Center recently, Strings and Things! There were knitted pride scarves, there was an epic Dr. Who scarf, there were a few crochet type objects that are still undergoing transition from unknown-crochet-object into something-more-practical. You don’t have to know anything about knitting or crochet to attend a Strings and Things, again the point is to meet your fellow community members. Our next Strings and Things will be July 18th at 6pm. (We are going for the 3rd Monday of the month.) Mark your calendars!

A few upcoming events: on Sunday, Leslie is back due to popular demand with a workshop featuring the EFT Method for relieving stress and dealing with negative emotions at 10:30. The workshop is broken into two parts with a half hour lunch break and will end at 2pm. Then, at 6:00 the first Community Book Group meeting will occur where we invite anyone who loves to read to come out and talk books with your fellow book worms.

If nothing else, the Center is usually air conditioned…

So, once again I encourage you to come to an upcoming event, mark your calendars for next month, and to think about what you want your LGBT Community Center to offer you and let us know.

There is no I in TEAM, but there is definitely a U in COMMUNITY!


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