The Force Behind CA Prop 8? Surprise! It’s The Catholics!

ImageWho was the driving force behind California Prop 8. Well, what a surprise, it was the Catholics. The Catholics, who’ve violated more morality than you can imagine throughout the centuries. The Catholics, who’ve condoned child molesting and protected the molesters for who knows how long now (and continue to do so to this day). The Catholics, who’s current leader has ties to the Nazis. Yes, I know their ceremonies are "beautiful", blah, blah, blah…and I know that’s why so many people I’ve talked to still go and support this regime of violence and hatred. High standards, people. Here’s the story of the genesis of Prop 8 in California and one Catholic in particular who delights in his leadership on that issue…Chris Jarvis

From the East Bay Express

"Proposition 8, the California constitutional amendment that deprived gay men and women of the right to marry one another, was perhaps the ugliest and most divisive electoral moment since Proposition 187, which denied illegal immigrant children access to health care and public education. All across the state, gay men, lesbians, and their friends picketed hostile churches and boycotted businesses that backed the amendment. And as they contemplated their fate, they asked themselves: Who did this to us? Was it the Mormons? The National Organization for Marriage? Black voters? White evangelical mega churches?

Now, eight months after the election that broke so many hearts, the truth has come out. It was the new Catholic bishop of Oakland."

Read the rest of the story here…THE FATHER OF PROP 8


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