
Take a Volunteer Vacation for Marriage Equality

freedom-to-marryIn the fight for marriage at the ballot this November, a few good neighbors lending a hand in Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, or Washington could be the difference between winning and losing.

That’s why Freedom to Marry is teaming up with the ballot campaigns in those four battleground states and the Human Rights Campaign and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force to invite supporters like you to take a “volunteer vacation” to one of the ballot states.

A volunteer vacation is you volunteering to spend a week or more in one of the battleground states to help the campaign win.

Be the good neighbor who makes a difference. Get started with your volunteer vacation now:

Yes, sign me up now!

No thanks, but I’d like to sponsor a volunteer vacationer by donating frequent flyer miles.

We’ll assist you in arranging your travel, housing, and transportation plans. You’ll receive a full orientation and training and then work with a dedicated team on a state campaign to win at the ballot.

It’s up to you if you want to spend a week, two weeks, or even a month on the campaign trail – but there has never been a more pivotal moment in the movement to win the freedom to marry for all loving and committed couples.


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