
Supreme Court Rules on Prop 8 & DOMA

BREAKING NEWS - The United States Supreme Court has ruled the following:

Proposition 8: The petitioners did not have standing to appeal the district court order. Dismissed on lack of standing. (WE WON!) Marriages may resume in California.

Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA): 

DOMA is unconstitutional as a deprivation of the equal liberty of persons that is protected by the Fifth Amendment.
(WE WON!) Federal government must recognize, valid, married couples. Full decision text.



Gather at Fresno's City Hall TONIGHT at 6pm

Legal explanations of what these decisions mean to you will be provided this evening.

We'll also have local speakers and opportunities to meet organizations and, of course, your friends and neighbors who support the freedom to marry.


Please SHARE this flyer and text your friends to join you!



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