Start NOW before it’s too late

Just ten months from now, the June 2006 Primary election ballot will include three Amendments by the Religious Reich that will take away our RIGHTS as members of the LGBT community. These amendments will not only ban Same Sex Marriage but will also abolish Domestic Partnerships and if they are successful they will be the slippery slide to more attacks on our community.

We MUST act locally. We have to start NOW to recruit an HUGE army of volunteers to maximize our numbers at the polls. By Election Day, June 2006, we will need no less than 1720 volunteers in Fresno County to do this. We will be doing all this as the
This is a statewide organization that is currently being set up to focus on the battle of defeating this ballot assault on us.



Many of you have either hosted or attended some form of in-home fundraiser so you already know what a house party is. But, besides being a cost-effective way of fundraising, they are also an effective way of recruiting the hundreds of new volunteers we will need. We must recruit hundreds of new campaign workers to turn back this assault on our rights. We must start now!

We will need to have hundreds of house parties over the course of this campaign. To this end Alan Jacobson has volunteered to be our HOUSE PARTY COORDINATOR for Fresno.
If you can not personally host a house party, please feel free to contact a friend who may be able to be a host and offer to co-host and assist with it. We will furnish a house party kit to assist you and walk you through the process and provide a speaker for you who will explain the campaign to your guests.
Please, please, please, check your social calendars for possible dates and get back to us ASAP. Alan will address any concerns you may have. Thank you for helping with this urgent matter.
Here is our e-mail contact information. Please put it in your contact file for future reference. We need to hear from you.

Alan Jacobson

Jay Hubbell

Jason Scott, Co-Chair Fresno Marriage Equality/Equality California
[email protected]

Becki Jones, Co-Chair Fresno Marriage Equality/Equality California
[email protected]


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