Reel Pride – Night two showcase

Reel Pride continues with another fabulous night of films, including ...

Facing Mirrors 5:30pm at Tower Theatre

The first narrative film from Iran to feature a transgender main character, FACING MIRRORS is a story of an unlikely and daring friendship that develops despite social norms and traditional beliefs. Rana drives a cab in order to survive financially and pay off the debt that keeps her husband in prison. By chance, she picks up Eddie, who’s on the run and desperately awaiting the passport he needs to leave the country. When the religious and inexperienced Rana learns that her wealthy passenger is FTM, conflicts arise, but could they eventually help each other out of their dire situations?

Call Me Kuchu

7:30pm at Tower Theatre


Elliot Loves

7:30pm at The Voice Shop

"Elliot Loves" 5-minute trailer from Terracino on Vimeo.


North Sea Texas

9:30pm at Tower Theatre




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