Rachel Maddow is MSNBC’s Number One

ImageI might just be a sucker for sexy political pundits, but I have a huge crush on Rachel Maddow. This TV show host, and still popular radio personality, is keepin’ up with the big boys with the new Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC. Taking the number six spot, Maddow’s show is number one at MSNBC, beating out Olbermann and even Larry King! Click read more to find out why Rachel Maddow is the progressive media’s next mainstream star.


Rachel Maddow, a
Northern California native, has broken the glass ceiling, and is still climbing the ladder. Soon-to-be president of the “Boys Only Big-Time Politics Club,” Maddow started off by winning a radio contest for a new on-air personality while living in

. With a degree in public policy from Stanford, a doctorate in political science from

, and her quick-witty intelligence, Maddow quickly rose to the top.


In 2004, Air

, a political radio network, was created, and Maddow was a part of the new staff. She now hosts The Rachel Maddow Show, airing from 6 to 9 PM Eastern on Air

. She has been a television guest on many shows such as The Today Show, and Good Morning America. She has also been on networks such as CNN, LOGO, and in January of this year MSNBC brought her on board as a political analyst. MSNBC has featured her on Tucker, Countdown with Keith Olbermann, and Race for the White House. With ratings high as she continued to appear, Maddow became incredibly popular.


What makes her so popular you ask? Well, Maddow is exceptionally different from many cable news figures. Most of these anchors and hosts keep their sexual identity under wraps, whereas Maddow’s is an essential part of her political self. Here is what Maddow has to say about her role in the media to interviewer Roy Connor of Alternet.com:


"I think of myself as a commentator and a pundit, an analyst but not a reporter and not a journalist. You know, I think doing research isn’t enough (as she laughs) to be considered a journalist."


Her expertise impressed the networks, especially MSNBC. After some talk about Maddow getting her own show, it finally happened. She recently took over the 9 PM hour on MSNBC with her new TV show called; yes you guessed it, The Rachel Maddow Show. Taking over for Dan Abram, Maddow’s show officially began September 8th of this year. I cannot wait until 9 Pm tonight, so I can watch this hot liberal lesbian throw some curveballs at these old white men who barely know how to swing the bat.

 Watch below as Maddow comments on McCain being economically challenged.



Yeah, it cracked me up too. 


Catch Rachel Maddow on her radio show at airamerica.com, or watch her on MSNBC at 9 PM ET



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