Prop 8 Trial – No Speedy Resolution


Despite the urgings of the American Foundation for Equal Rights and the Courage Campaign for an expedited trial in the appeal of the overturning of Proposition 8, the California Supreme Court has stated it will not move the hearings up from the current date of September of this year.

The American Foundation for Equal Rights and the California Attorney General have also asked that while the case is being heard that the current stay on same sex marriage in the state be lifted.


Rick Jacobs of the Courage Campaign issued a statement including the following...

"With Proposition 8 already ruled unconstitutional in federal court, it is imperative that the ninth circuit court of appeals immediately lift the stay on enforcement of this decision so that families like Riverside’s Derence Kernek and Ed Phillips — together for 40 years but now waging a battle against Alzheimer’s Disease — are able to marry before it’s too late. I challenge the California supreme court — or any court for that matter — to tell Derence or Ed that they have not yet earned that right."




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