
San Francisco Day of Decision Rally in the Castro

photo-copy-4-250x250Hey all,

So we decided to head down from Sactown to The City for the big marriage equality rally last night. It was amazing – they closed the whole Castro down, and it filled up with people.

State Senator Mark Leno and the National Center for Lesbian Rights’ Kate Kendall spoke, along with a number of others, and then the music kicked in and it was a big street party.

But what we felt there, most of all, was love. It’s an amazing thing, suddenly being fully married and having the dark clouds of DOMA and Prop 8 lifted – and the sun shone in on what was an amazingly warm, clear evening in the Castro.

Everyone was smiling, laughing with each other. Some folks said “Happy Gay Day”, and the sense of community was unbelievable. There were folks of all shapes, sizes, colors, and orientations all mixed together.

In the words of Kate Kendall  ”Fuck prop 8!”

Here are a few of our photos from the evening – enjoy!



San Francisco Day of Decision Marriage Equality Rally 6/26/13


San Francisco Day of Decision Marriage Equality Rally 6/26/13

Big Crowd

San Francisco Day of Decision Marriage Equality Rally 6/26/13

Sisters are Doin’ it For Themselves

San Francisco Day of Decision Marriage Equality Rally 6/26/13

Strike a Pose

San Francisco Day of Decision Marriage Equality Rally 6/26/13

Shouting it From the Rooftops

San Francisco Day of Decision Marriage Equality Rally 6/26/13

Yes, We Are

San Francisco Day of Decision Marriage Equality Rally 6/26/13

No More “Skim Milk Marriage”

San Francisco Day of Decision Marriage Equality Rally 6/26/13

Mark Leno Speaks

San Francisco Day of Decision Marriage Equality Rally 6/26/13

Lots of Straight Folks Were There Too!

San Francisco Day of Decision Marriage Equality Rally 6/26/13

Thom and Jeff, One of the Wonderful Couples We Work With at MEUSA

San Francisco Day of Decision Marriage Equality Rally 6/26/13

Goin’ to the Chapel…

San Francisco Day of Decision Marriage Equality Rally 6/26/13

Gorgeous Evening in the Castro

San Francisco Day of Decision Marriage Equality Rally 6/26/13

From Market Street

San Francisco Day of Decision Marriage Equality Rally 6/26/13

I’m So Excited (That Prop 8 is Toast)


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