Musician Ben Gibbard on Marriage Equality and the Election


Ben Gibbard has been very active as a musician supporting marriage equality over the past few months, and recently spoke to Spin regarding his thoughts on the issue and the 2012 election. Check out what he had to say below by clicking “Read More.”

I know there are many issues going around in this election, but I’ve been very active with an organization called Music for Marriage Equality, which is trying to pass Referendum 74, which would approve gay marriage in Washington State. This is an issue that’s close to my heart because my sister is gay. She’s married to an amazing woman and it’s not a union that is recognized by the state of Washington, or many other states for that matter.

Here in Washington, the governor, Chris Gregoire, voted [gay marriage] into law earlier this year, and the religious righters began to accrue enough signatures to basically put it to a popular vote.



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