
McInerney King Trial Ends with Plea Deal

In one of the highest profile LGBT violent crimes in California history, Brandon McInerney's prosecution for the killing of sexually ambiguous Larry King has ended in a plea deal.


McInerney was 14 when he violently murdered King at school, apparently for flirtations which McInerney, offended by King's questioning gender and sexuality, took offense at.

At one point, this trial was going the way of so many bullshit defenses of the past, trying to claim that McInerney was exhibiting the "gay panic defense", which amounts to "it's okay to kill someone if they're of a different sexuality and are coming on to you".

The Oxnard teen who shot a gay classmate he believed was flirting with him has agreed to spend the next 21 years in prison, a plea deal that ends a case that drew national attention and ignited debate on how schools should deal with openly gay students.

Brandon McInerney has already served nearly four years in jail and would be released by the time he is 38, under terms of the deal.



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