LGBT News Links

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Fred Phelps is denied his chance to erect a hateful, homophobic statue in condemnation of Matthew Shepard…gay groups in Quebec rally together after a gay bashing…Bill O’Reilly is called out regarding his insane “lesbian gangs” story…the Bush administration subpoenas Michael Moore…and if you missed the last Democrat debate, you can watch a clip of their comments on same sex marriage here…and if you’d like to submit a question to the Democratic candidates for the historic LGBT based debate on August 9th, click here



July 20, 2007
Gay Fresno now has a constantly updated LGBT news feed, which you can see to the right of this column, courtesy of…Congress will vote this week on a bill that includes $141 million for abstinence only until marriage education, which have been proven by everyone to be ineffective and harmful…San Diego heightens security for this weekends Pride celebration…RuPaul is hitting the scene again at LGBT film festivals with his new film, Starrbooty… check here for ongoing reviews from Outfest in Los Angeles…and don’t miss a new, live comedy concert this weekend from Bill Maher…and I was skeptical up front, but no more, HAIRSPRAY is a great, fun movie…

July 13th, 2007
More Republican gay sex this week, so maybe there is a God…while crazy ol’ John McCain’s campaign appears to be going broke, Bob Allen, co-chair on McCain’s campaign and sponsor of anti-gay legislation in Florida, is caught soliciting a male police officer for public sex…which is, of course, followed by a tearful press conference…why is it that conservatives who endorse anti-gay legislation are always the ones caught with their pants down at a urinal in the park? I, for one, can’t wait to see insane McCain on The Surreal Life…meanwhile, the homophobic Bush nominee for Attorney General says that homophobia no longer represents his viewpoint, even though his career history shows he finds homosexuality to be an illness, and he’s a founding member of a church participating in the “x-gay” movement…another stellar choice from GW…while gay groups gather to protest…the lesbian denied shelter in Chicago, wins her case…a group of heterosexuals in Oregon start a campaign to support the LGBT community…newly released tapes show how Richard Nixon targeted many,  including gays…another case of priest sex abuse pops up in Delaware…olive oil is found to inhibit HIV…court battles in Massachusetts over domestic partner health benefits could have impact on the LGBT community…the Dykes On Bikes score a unanimous victory in a federal court case challenging their trademark name…while in South Africa, LGBT groups confront the government over lesbian abuse crimes…a landmark Presidential candidate debate , devoted solely to LGBT issues, will be broadcast on LOGO, on August 9th…LOGO also has brand new episodes of the Happiest Gay Couple, developed by Q Allan Brocka, who we interviewed in October, about the show and his other projects…to watch or download a free preview clip of the show, click here…and joining in the long list of cross dressing in movies , John Travolta becomes a woman

July 6th, 2007
Despite terrorist actions in England, London Pride marches on…an extremely homophobic nominee for Surgeon General faces confirmation hearings…Fred Phelps’ daughter faces various criminal charges…a NYC jeweler is questioned about his views on gays and lesbians after terminating a gay employee…a lesbian firefighter is awarded 6.2 million dollars in a harassment suit against the department…and Sex & The City will hit the big screen after all…while the True Colors Pride Tour comes to an end… Star Trek goes gay…the Mayor of Fort Lauderdale wants robo toilets to keep gays from having sex…and Bill O’Reilly makes up reality again, and he’s afraid of lesbian gangs

June 22nd, 2007
Fresno’s own, Crystal Vera, the nation’s nation’s first transgender prom queen, is profiled by on…just when you thought ol’ GW Bush couldn’t sink any lower, he threatens to veto a budget appropriations bill for DC because congress has removed language which bars money from supporting domestic partner registry… and our own Supreme Court once again  limits free speech… while Russian “Christians” purge the waters which were tarnished by a gay cruise ship… Hallmark is forced to remove an anti gay greeting card from their inventory…John Edwards is surprised by his wife’s endorsement of same sex marriage…right before Elizabeth Edwards took on Ann Coulter

The UK military apologizes to discharged gays…the very un-Christian Catholics keep it up, issuing helpful suggestions for married couples while continuing to damn gays to hell…a lesbian sex show gets an officer (who hopes to be a director) fired…but why not check out the movie’s gay sex scenes that made history


June 15th, 2007 Here’s the latest state by state report of LGBT marriage and civil unions in America…the AIDS/Lifecycle Ride raises 11 million dollars…while the Democrats & Bush both do their part to destroy reason and funding in the fight against AIDS…Sao Paulo holds the world’s largest Pride event…while the Governor of Massachusetts actually marches in that state’s Pride… Bucharest Pride was faced with protestors throwing rocks…Massachusetts lawmakers will decide this week on the fate of constitutional amendment which could overturn same sex marriage in the state…Tales Of The City author Armistead Maupin released another edition of the classic book series this week…in Oregon, two teenage girls get kicked off a bus after a kiss…this week marks the 40th anniversary of the Supreme Court ruling overturning laws that banned interracial marriage, and people are taking to the streets to point out the similarities with the current same sex marriage ban, such as the fact that religion was behind that argument as well…read an interview with Ed Oakley, who could become the first gay mayor of Dallas…and for the laugh riot of the week, check out Lady Bunny on YouTube. (Adult Material) It’s the funniest bit of drag I’ve ever seen…A national tour gets underway to help bring an end to Don’t Ask Don’t Tell…the Arkansas Family Council, you know, another one of those conservative, religious organizations that are trying to burn the constitution, works to ban gay adoptions…Nashville grocery stores  pull a gay & lesbian newspaper off it’s shelves…a new report shows that hate crimes against gays and lesbians is just as common as those against other groups…On Thursday the attempt in Massachusetts to allow voters to overturn the legalization of same sex marriage  failed miserably…Israel works diligently to ban gay pride events…a gay man in Chicago has filed a lawsuit against the police for a brutal beating…gay couples in New York are pushing the legislature to legalize same sex marriage…a Colorado shelter has kicked out a homeless man because he’s gay and the pastor of the shelter admits he won’t allow gays or lesbians to sleep there…and the fabulous and hilarious Kathy Griffin is coming to Fresno so get your tickets now! Don’t you know she’s the red headed Oprah?…


June 1, 2007 Fallwell may be gone, but the Teletubbies are being investigated again, this time in Poland, for promoting homosexuality, at least until the story became news, then the Polish ombudsman backed down…the Alabama Dept. Of Homeland Security comes under fire for targeting groups such as environmentalists, abortion rights and gay rights organizations, as a possible hiding place for terrorists…Rosie says she’ll probably never speak to Elisabeth again…a Texas school is sued over a  Bible study class…Cindy Sheehan calls it quits…an Australian gay bar wins the right to exclude lesbians and heterosexuals…while a Montreal gay establishment refuses to serve a woman, who in turn files a human rights complaint…and then there’s the Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival , which for 30 years has catered to “womyn” only. Alexia Prichard makes some great points about all this exclusivity…consumer groups in Rome are outraged over the cost of Streisand concert tickets…Dallas may end up with an openly gay Mayor…Erasure’s latest CD is heralded as a welcome return to their classic sound…in the Netherlands, men have confessed to drugging and raping male victims, then injecting them with HIV infected blood…civil unions become legal in New Hampshire…David Hyde Pierce was outed, but come on, that one was a red light flashing…Mike Jones spills the beans about Ted Haggard…Philadelphia puts the pressure on the homophobic Boy Scouts…eHarmony gets slapped with a lawsuit over not offering services to the LGBT community…

May 25th, 2007 A pair of gay flamingos start a family…a gay couple wins their lawsuit against an adoption agency…a Chicago woman is turned away from a shelter because she’s a lesbian…a gay marriage bill is introduced in New York…California prisons will now allow gay conjugal visits…members of the House become vocal about the continued dismissals of specialists in the military who happen to be gay, like a 23 year old Navy petty officer who was dismissed for being gay even though everyone knew it…the homophobic Cheney’s have a new grandson by way of their lesbian daughter, who better hope the kid isn’t gay if she wants him to have any rights in America…Presidential candidate Mitt Romney says okay with gay people, just not gay marriage because it’s not good for children (which makes him an idiot since all studies state the contrary)…a teacher in New Jersey barely hangs onto her tenure after a tight vote. Her mistake? Disciplining two students who used gay slurs in her classroom…Countrywide is sued by a lesbian couple who were threatened with foreclosure after amending the deed on their home to include both their names…the Pope continues to be a homophobic cross dresser…Cadillac goes for the gays…the government rules that gay men are barred for life from donating blood…a Maryland church now has a transgender minister…and Cambridge, England has a transgender mayor…and one last piece of comedy video to celebrate the long overdue absence of Jerry Fallwell on Planet Earth…and watch Alicia Silverstone snub Elisabeth Hasselbeck after the famous Rosie / Elisabeth feud on May 23rd. She is now my favorite actress… 

May 18th, 2007 Former President Jimmy Carter calls for an end to Don’t Ask Don’t Tell…sorry, but I can’t help appreciating the fact that Jerry Fallwell is dead…and if you want to hear someone absolutely nail the reality of Falwell, check out this video from CNN with Anderson Cooper and Christopher Hitchens…a 12 year old receives psychological treatment and counseling after watching Brokeback Mountain in a classroom, and the school receives a lawsuit…citizens in Oregon work to overturn new pro-gay laws…another reasonable judge stands up to hysterical parents and finds no damages in the “that’s so gay” lawsuit…some NY same sex couples have their Massachusetts marriages validated in their home state…Colorado makes gay adoption legal…a London study finds gay crime investigations are hindered by institutional homophobia – shocker!!…a hate crime in South Carolina leaves a 20 year old dead…while Fred Phelp’s church in Kansas is in a battle with Warner Records over a video parody of We Are The World which is airing on their website. The church’s video is entitled God Hates The World…and you can still get tickets for Cyndi Lauper’s True Colors Tour…download a free copy of Madonna’s new song…and check out this video discussion on the topic of being transgender with Alexis Arquette…

News Links May 11th, 2007
Fresno High had a female student running for Prom King, and now Fresno’s Roosevelt High has a male student running for prom queen…a Canadian study finds what all other similar studies have, that children of gay parents are as well or better developed than children of opposite sex couples…a bill that would allow all couples, married or domestic partners, equal opportunity to change their names, moves through the California Assembly…parents in Missouri show their colors when they object to students simply reading an article that supports same sex marriage…a skycap in Florida broadcasts a hate message over the airports PA system…Bill Clinton successfully negotiates lower costs for AIDS drugs…Massachusetts lawmakers refuse, for the time being, to deal with a proposed voter measure to ban same sex marriage in the only state where it’s legal…the Army recruiter who taunted a civilian with incredibly vicious and homophobic insults, is simply reassigned, not fired…Oregon’s Governor  signs legislation legalizing domestic partnerships…out Grey’s Anatomy star T.R. Night talks about how many people advised him not to come out of the closet…Presidential candidate Mitt Romney uses the Bible to justify anti-gay opinions…Rome prepares for a major demonstration to protest legalizing same sex couples…The San Francisco Police Commission elects a transgender President…Berkley and West Palm Beach are leading the way in California for transgender rights…and catch the best political dialogue on television on  Real Time With Bill Maher

News Links May 4th, 2007 An archbishop leading a campaign against same sex marriage receives a letter with a bullet in it…marriage equality supporters rally in New York, after the governor of that state sent a bill to legalize same sex marriage to the legislature…the Indiana school teacher who allowed, of all things, an article of tolerance in the school paper is forced to transfer…as happened a few weeks ago, another couple is arrested for a protest at the headquarters for Focus On The Family…a Los Angeles street is renamed in honor of a lesbian activist…the feds are pushed to end their policies on HIV immigration…a top British oil exec resigns over the revelation of a lie in court to protect a gay lover…the House approves the addition of sexuality and gender to the Federal Hate Crimes Bill, while the White House threatens to veto it, an action supported by the typical anti-gay groups such as Focus On The Family. Read what they’re doing to try and stop this legislation in this blog by Joe Solmonese, and here’s how our representatives voted on this issue…a request is given to the Attorney General in California to place a measure on the voter’s ballot which would amend the state Constitution to bar same sex marriage…after 23 years as a sports writer for the LA Times, a male columnist decides to become a woman…the embattled star of Grey’s Anatomy, Isaiah Washington, will do a public service announcement on behalf of the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation…crazy ol’ John McCain supports Don’t Ask Don’t Tell…catch GW “Numb Nuts” Bush comparing violence levels in America & Iraq…then referring to himself as  “the commander guy” …Oregon passes a partner bill…Republican candidate Tommy Thompson says it’s okay to fire people because they’re gay…and who was a major player in Washington DC for the poorly attended National Day Of Prayer? If you guessed scandalized former gay escort and star of (who was also a privileged participant at White House briefingsJeff Gannon, then you get the halo for the day…

News Links April 27th, 2007  A transgender teen in Fresno makes an elegant appearance as candidate for prom king at Fresno High School, but misses the crown (and in case you didn’t know, the Associated Press points out that “a prom is a high school dance held in the spring for students who are about to graduate”)…an Arkansas father sues the city because his teenage sons “accidentally” came across The Whole Lesbian Sex Book in the local library and were disturbed and had sleepless nights. Are these boys gay by any chance?…New York’s Governor moves forward with  same sex marriage legislation …Washington’s Governor signs civil unions into law…an Indiana high school teacher may lose her job for allowing an article by a student in the school paper that  encourages tolerance…a group of Christians protest student suspensions over anti-gay t-shirts worn on the National Day Of Silence ….and catch this SNL Weekend Update clip of Amy and Seth skewering Alberto Gonzalez in their segment, REALLY!?!…plus Scarlett Johansenn selling  marble columns…Like it or not, it’s been knows for some time now that the Pentagon is spying on gay groups, and now at least someone is trying to stop it…the collections of a revolutionary lesbian activist will be donated to the NY Public Library…more gay equality riders are arrested…and ACT UP Paris is fined for staging a mock gay wedding at Notre Dame…

News Links April 20th, 2007  Colorado takes the first step toward passing a bill that would make it illegal to discriminate in the workplace based on sexual orientation, despite the usual objections by those visionary Republicans…Washington firefighters  sue for same sex partner benefits…Clergy from all 50 states gathered at Capitol Hill to call for the passage of the Matthew Shepard Act…while Pope Benedict, the beacon of morality that he is, moves even farther to the right…About 10% of same sex couples who have taken advantage of legal civil unions in New Jersey are still being refused  partner benefits…a study mandated by Congress shows that those participating in abstinence programs are just as likely to have sex as those who didn’t…Philadelphia promotes it’s “Gayborhood”…Council members in Madison, Wisconsin air their objections to the state’s ban on same sex marriage…BYU makes a small (and small minded) change to their university rules regarding LGBT students…Ted Haggard relocates to Phoenix as part of his agreement with the church…New Hampshire’s Governor will sign legislation to approve civil unions in that state…Oregon sends a revised discrimination bill which adds sexual orientation to the Governor…Illinois lawmakers act like children when debating a sex-change bill…an Indiana school is put into lockdown because of threats of violence tied to the National Day Of Silence ….and a bomb in Jerusalem may have been intended to injure participants of WorldPride  

News Links April 13th, 2007  A lacrosse coach in Missouri comes out and faces the controversy…do you drive a  gay car?…a hate crimes bill is re-introduced to Congress…Queers United Against Discrimination plan a visual protest on the Day Of Silence…abstinence groups protest a Democratic plan to give students factual information about contraception…imagine parents and teachers telling kids the truth!…by the way, abstinence promotion has grown during the Bush administration from 10 million to 176 million…and oh yeah, there’s another study shows the same as all previous ones, that abstinence programs don’t work…the CDC says gonorrhea is becoming drug resistant…and an HIV activist group says the fault lies with the Bush administration…Australia wants to tighten immigration to reduce HIV risk…a New Jersey student sues his school over a Day Of Silence demonstration…Connecticut tries to pass a bill to legalize same sex marriage…Cathedral City in California calls on the FDA to reverse it’s ban on gay men donating blood…Anderson Cooper’s sexuality remains mysterious…

News Links April 6th, 2007 LGBT activists and plaintiffs take the case for same sex marriage to the California Supreme Court…Wade Horn, Bush’s abstinence czar, resigns….GW refuses to comment on “individual orientation”, but he vocally support Don’t Ask Don’t Tell… by the end of the year, all 50 states will track the names of all those infected with HIV…in Indiana, a high school teacher’s job may be on the line for allowing a pro LGBT opinion piece to be published in the school paper…a house bill is introduced that would equalize health care tax costs for same sex couples…PFLAG struggles with a Utah PTA group over an ad the PTA says promotes an “alternative lifestyle”…a lesbian couple is denied communion over their political beliefs…Disney changes policies to allow same sex commitment ceremonies in the park…and what do you know, there can still be some surprises in the music world. Don’t believe it? Check out this acoustic version of My Humps by Alanis Morissette. Trust me, you have to see it to believe it.

News Links March 30, 2007 Four lesbians were asked to curb public affection (which was a brief kiss) at an IHOP in Missouri…consequently, the LGBT group PROMO will stage a protest at the restaurant…and a new study says people don’t have a problem with an athlete being gay. I guess that’s why so many are bursting out of the closet…crazy ol’ McCain clearly just isn’t getting his medication, as he sends an aide to find out his position on contraception…while his My Space page gets hacked to support same sex marriage… Linda Harvey, a conservative activist, suggests that parents keep their kids out of school on April 18th, in protest to The National Day Of Silence, a day of silence in schools to draw attention to homophobia…a military recruiter gets extremely nasty in an exchange of emails with a gay man in New Jersey. Watch a short news clip of the story here…Arkansas kills a bill that would have banned gay parenting… a hotel in South Carolina refuses to rent a room to a gay couple…a 20 year commemorative protest by ACT UP results in arrests…and guys and gals, whatever your preference, there’s something here for everyone, that is, if you’re interested in looking at fabulous men and women in underwear and strutting down the runway at the 2 (X)ist Underwear Show

NEWS LINKS MARCH 23, 2007 A new hero of mine, Mayor Rocky Anderson, of Salt Lake City Utah, is an amazing man. He is pushing for the impeachment of GW, and in a state known as conservative and Mormon, he’s something of a miracle. Watch a video of him speaking in Olympia, WA about the administration, and don’t miss him on Bill O’Reilly being totally abused by Mr. Idiot, although he stands his ground quite well. And of course, FOX does what it routinely does during any interview with someone calling out the current joke of an administration, they flash such messages as “US Aviation Alert HIGH” & “TERROR ALERT ELEVATED” on the news scroll underneath, something I never see on other channels…don’t miss Senator Barbara Boxer taking down a childish Senator James Inhofe during Al Gore’s testimony before Congress on Global Warming…South Carolina officially bans same sex marriage…while New Hampshire moves toward civil unions…New Mexico approves a domestic partner bill…Oregon works on sexual orientation protections…Sweden moves toward allowing same sex marriage…a Denver cop lets a gay basher go despite pleas from the victim to press charges…Larry Kramer speaks out about America’s hatred of gays…believe it or not, a town in Florida, of all places, elects it’s first openly gay mayor…Garrison Keillor back peddles over his homophobic comments, in the “name of humor”…there’s a promising new HIV drug being tested in Austrailia… The Soulforce activists deal with arrests again, as some are jailed in Texas…a federal judge crushes government efforts to control the internet, and is another judge to tell parents to police their own children…the gay bashers that attacked performer Kevin Aviance last year plead guilty and get jail time…and if you’re gay and on the police force in the Philippines, make sure you don’t sway your hips while marching or you’re likely to be fired…


News Links March 16th, 2007 Homophobia, homophobia, homophobia…I don’t understand it and I never will. What is it about so many supposedly patriotic Americans that allows them to think their personal beliefs should have any weight on the issue of civil rights? The latest moron is General Pace, who last week compared homosexuality to adultery and said the US should not sanction “immoral behavior”. Apparently he now regrets his comments…while Senator Brownback supports Pace’s comments…and Hillary continues her dodge and duck routine on the subject…then the next day clarifies it…while Obama shares his views on homosexuality…and then seven high ranking gay and lesbian veterans came out to demand an apology…George Bush Sr. collapsed on a golf course last week, but his real concern was not his health, it was the “ugliest part” of the experience, a male friend providing mouth to mouth…Garrison Keillor gets homophobically stupid…Colorado battles hate crimes…a Baptist minister suggests there may be a “biological causation” for homosexuality, and that medicine might find a way to cure it… France isn’t very open to the idea of same sex marriage…a lesbian couple has been denied communion because of their stance on same sex marriage…and now that the military desperately needs every soldier, what a surprise that discharges under “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” have dropped…I don’t know, but I think GW is getting a little nervous. He just had an EXTRA 8 INCHES added to the fence surrounding the White House. who’s got a tiny, little friend?… a Florida Senator vows to end the state’s 30 year ban on gay adoptions…the brilliantly twisted John Waters has a new show on Court TV, Til Death Do Us Part, on which he narrates re-enactments of actual spousal murders…and check out YouTube’s favorite Beyonce video parody, by a guy in drag…don’t miss a sharp, insightful and absolutely on the mark column from Charles Karel Bouley, regarding how the LGBT community should face America’s homophobia…and don’t forget Bush’s Last Day…until then, catch a laugh at BuckFush…or the unofficial site for the White House

News Links March 9, 2007 It’s been a busy week for LGBT news…Scientists find a natural barrier to HIV…Hillary Clinton pledges support to the LGBT community, although there’s no mention of legalizing same sex marriage…A University of Massachusetts hockey coach is charged with a brutal gay attack… In Louisiana, the women’s basketball coach is facing charges of sexual misconduct… In Virginia, a drill sergeant is charged with rape of a male soldier, among other things… the homophobic preacher, who also believes gay people can “change” to straight, was acquitted of the charges surrounding his soliciting sex from an undercover male officer…Arkansas proposed a bill that would ban gays from adopting…while Colorado considers allowing gays to adopt children…A NYC politician takes a stand against the gay prejudice of the St Patrick’s Day Parade… As unbelievable as it is, GW Bush is still making promises to the victims of Katrina…while some of those involved file a lawsuit over the levee failure…and guess what? As much as Christians profess their faith while at the same time controlling the civil rights of others, it turns out they don’t know much about religion…Utah (shocker) decides to keep keep sodomy illegal, that is, except for married heterosexuals…censorship and government control of the arts is alive and well…and any gay couple who thinks it’s fun to travel to exotic spaces, think again before supporting a country like Turkey, who just banned YouTube because of videos insulting the county’s leadership…that is until Friday the 9th when the ban was liftedgay porn stars, specifically Matt Sanchez, are now welcomed by the conservative party, you know, the ones who don’t want to give us any legal rights…and here’s what Sanchez has to say about the whole thing… the Soulforce Equality bus (young LGBT activists reaching out to Christian campuses) was defaced while in Iowa…now, if you dare, take the HOW EVIL ARE YOU QUIZ…and check out this video, 101 Must See Movies For Gay Men, and see if you can name them all…

News Links March 2, 2007 12 gay & lesbians discharged from the military are suing the federal government to protest Don’t Ask Don’t Tell…Washington state passes the first step toward a Domestic Partner RegistryArgentina moves closer to marriage equality…prompted by a lawsuit between a formerly married man and woman, Virginia decides that a same sex couple living together have no legal rights, except to no longer receive alimony from the straight man…Maryland moves to change it’s state constitution to permanently ban the possibility of same sex marriage… civil unions are denied in Hawaii…same sex couple partner benefits are challenged in Madison, Wisconsin…a city administrator is fired in Florida after disclosing his intention to undergo sex reassignment…and then at a heated public meeting regarding the matter, the head of Equality Florida is arrested for handing out an anti-discrimination flyer…an Air Force Captain is sentenced to 50 years for raping 4 men…parents of a high school girl sue over disciplinary action when the girl uttered the phrase, “that’s so gay”… Police have a sketch of the man they’re seeking in the homophobic murder of a 72 year old man…a new study deals with gay men’s sexual activity… and Ann Coulter calls John Edwards a faggot while conservatives cheer and applaud…

News Links Feb 23, 2007 New Jersey same sex couples begin the process of being legally recognized…and here’s a short video of the ceremony of New Jersey’s first civil union…Rhode Island Attorney General wants his state to recognize gay unions… a lesbian couple married in Canada wants to be recognized in Dublin, and takes their case to the Supreme Court of Ireland…while another lesbian couple visits Focus On The Family headquarters to confront James Dobson …New Jersey schools are told they must protect gay students from harassment…the California Supreme Court has agreed to review the legality of same sex marriage, but it could take a year…next week the Freedom From Religion Foundation steps into court to battle GW Bush’s faith based programs, standing up for the separation of church & state…there’s a victory for GSA’s in Utah… a Wyoming bill that would have banned recognition of out of state same sex unions was defeated by a single vote… a bill will be introduced in Congress next week to repeal Don’t Ask Don’t Tell…a new study says that herpes treatments may also help HIV patients… a Gallup poll says that 55% of Americans would vote for a gay candidate for President…a judge dismisses a lawsuit started by Massachusetts parents over a school book with gay themes… Detroit police are looking for a suspect in the homophobic attack on a 72 year old man leaving him paralyzed…and get ready for this one, an anti-gay preacher and his lawyer fight in court for his right to solicit men for sex…and financial guru Suze Orman comes out of the closet

News Links 02-16-07 Finally some wake up calls and justice for those Americans (particularly those who are parents) who continue to work so hard to have “we’re not responsible” become our nation’s mantra…Thankfully there are still some sane people in the legal system, as a My Space sexual molestation lawsuit was dismissed, with the judge stating, “if anyone had a duty to protect Julie Doe, it was her parents, not My Space”. Somebody give this man an award…and another award to Sports Illustrated, for labeling Tim Hardaway a moron. Hardaway’s recent anti-gay tirade reminds us how deeply ignorant some Americans still are…but a little bit of justice here too, since Hardaway has been banned from some activities by the NBA…and reading newly out of the closet John Amaechi’s response makes it clear he was well aware of the bigotry in American sports…Michael Lucas is being sued over his La Dolce Vita porn DVD…a few people held a rare public demonstration in support of gay rights in China…while civil unions in Mexico take off for more than 100 couples…a possible breakthrough in AIDS research as scientists discover an HIV weakness…thanks to PFLAG, the reward for information in a gay bashing case in Phoenix has been raised…some California clerk’s are verbally denouncing current marriage laws, as same sex couples around the country lined up on Valentine’s Day…anti-gay fliers posted in an Oakland workplace cause controversy…a study reveals that HIV patients were helped by marijuana, while the federal government quickly stepped in to denounce it…so truth doesn’t win out as much as we’d like it to, especially with GW still in office…but thankfully, it’s once again time to catch Real Time With Bill Maher on HBO. It premiers tonight, February 16th, and is the most honest debate show televised in America…and lastly, Ricky Martin gives George Bush the finger…you go, girl…

News Links 02-09-07 Ted Haggard, after 3 weeks of “therapy” has become completely heterosexual… San Francisco cops won’t face discipline for anti-gay slurs against a club goer…Alaska will spend over a million dollars to poll voters on gay marriage…a New York preacher has filed a petition with the Supreme Court over removal of his anti-gay billboardMike Huckabee, presidential candidate, spews more homophobia…a Pennsylvania pastor commits suicide when he learns his homosexual affair might be revealed on television…and here are the latest updates on the Snickers homophobic commercial from the Super Bowl, along with how to contact the company…and the all-seeing, all-knowing and all-hating heads of the Catholic church, are upset about free condom distribution in Brazil…Africa launches an HIV vaccine study…take a look at how different areas fared in a hate and bigotry study…a lawsuit goes forward in Massachusetts over a gay storybook…GSA’s may be blocked in Utah if the public feels they threaten the moral well being of the community…the Iowa House approves a bill to protect gay students…a New York congressman speaks up about gay translators being fired from the military…and the next time you come across a heterosexual of the opinion that gays are a little twisted, send them to take a look at this article on “Purity Balls”, where women as old as 25 are their father’s “dates” at an event marking their pledges of virginity to their fathers…and lastly, check out this funny performance video, a lesbian love song to Condaleeza Rice…

News Links 01-30-07 Another opponent of gay rights, former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee throws his hat in the Presidential race… Moscow’s Mayor calls gay pride “satanic”…resulting in gays in the region taking it to court…despite the vocal opposition of the all-knowing Catholic church, the Italian Government is moving forward with it’s plans for civil unions…another fact that shows the US is falling behind, the Thai government is forcing the generic production of HIV & heart medication…the Defense Secretary is pushed into a corner about Don’t Ask Don’t Tell…there seem to be no clues in the murder of a gay porn producer…Wyoming works toward not recognizing same sex marriages performed legally elsewhere…Tony Blair refuses to exempt faith based groups from laws protecting the rights of gays…a teacher in New York has been removed from duty over using drawings of male genitalia as a teaching aid in, hold your breath…a health class!…looks like Air America might have found a saviour…a filmmaker takes on the mission of exposing the gay rights hypocrisy of mentally challenged Presidential candidate, Senator John McCain …check out some of the video history of McCain’s descent into madness on The Real McCain…In the first Democratic investigative hearing since taking office, testimony proves that the White House has put political pressure on scientists to mislead the American public about global warming…and Harry Potter appears nude during a staging of the play “Equus” in London

News Links 01-12-07 A new wiki is about to hit the internet, , and this one is dedicated to leaking government documents from around the globe to hopefully curb corruption…According to the ACLU, our own Pentagon is keeping a Secret Database On Peaceful Protests…An AIDS activist is charged with genocide…City officials in Madison Wisconsin have joined together to add a statement to their oath when sworn in, to protest the same sex marriage ban…A Manhattan attorney is suing the firm he works for over discrimination because he’s gay…the all-loving, all-caring Catholics can’t seem to stop, as they continue to battle against civil unions in Italy …while at the same time fighting in England, threatening to end all gay adoptions if gay rights bills are passed…Nigeria is poised to institute one of the world’s most anti-gay laws, with prison sentences for being gay…the AIDS Healthcare Foundation is suing Pfizer over Viagra marketing…The state of Washington faces another attempt to overturn discrimination protection for gays…the first same sex couple to legally marry in South Africa have become the target of death threats …A republican Senator is waging a battle against San Francisco because they’ve made a decision to phase out the ROTC program as a protest against “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell”…

News Links 01-12-07 Ah, education in America…A Georgia school has settled a dispute with ACLU to allow a GSA on campus…while students in Florida join with the ACLU to fight to allow a GSA on their campus…in Texas, a hazing that ended in a student’s death comes to trial, revealing the dead student’s body was repeatedly marked with anti-gay statementsMontgomery County, Maryland discusses homosexuality in it’s sex ed classes in a limited way, dictated by community standards…in the loving and giving religious department, Pope Benedict, you know, the holy, enlightened one who was aware and allowed child molestation to go unchecked under his reign with the Catholic Church, now vows to fight against Italy’s planned civil unions…a gay New Jersey cop wins $450,000 in a discrimination suit against the police department…two bills in Washington State address same sex marriage… Arkansas pays $60,000 to an anti-gay key witness in a case which would overturn the state’s ban on gay foster parents…an all male singing group from Yale is gay bashed after singing the Star Spangled Banner…Groups in Boston go head to head about same sex marriage…a second Mexican state has approved civil unions…a US Marine will stand trial in a gay murder case…Richard Gere champions safe sex in India…and yet another celebrity, Paula Abdul shows up totally drunk for a television interview in Seattle…

News Links 1-02-07Conservatives in Massachusetts aren’t giving up, and the only state in the nation to legalize same sex marriage is now threatened with the law being reversed, although the governor supports gay marriage …Watch this video blog with Andrew Sullivan , who’s been so wrong about so many things for so long, as he apologizes for his support of the Iraq War…Presidential contenders are starting to pop up, but think twice before supporting democrat John Edwards , who says about same sex marriage, “I’m just not there yet”… Senate control remains with the Democrats as Johnson recovers from a stroke… Alaska’s governor has vetoed an anti-gay bill…A former top general in the military joins support of the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”…A Chicago apartment that is known in the area as a Gay House was the site of a violent break in, with six men shot…while we were all getting ready for Christmas, good ol’ GW Bush was adding a signing statement to a postal bill that allows him to open anyone’s mail if he feels like it….but on January 3rd, the Democrats take over Congress, with issues such as raising the minimum wage , holding extensive Iraq hearings and moving forward with stem cell research at the top of their list…and if you’re looking for a good laugh, sit back and enjoy this hilarious video starring the fabulous drag queen, Lady Bunny


News Links 12-15-06

A lesbian college student is suing her former Orange County high school for alleged discrimination, after the principal told her mother the girl was gay…A new study suggests that male circumcision may cut the risk of HIV infection by half…In Massachusetts, supporters of a ban on same sex marriage have filed a lawsuit for 5 million dollars, stating they aren’t being represented…the Turkish publisher of an LGBT magazine may end up in jail over trumped up pornography charges…the New Jersey Assembly approves civil unions…A pastor in New Jersey is barred from the Senate floor after he delivers an anti-gay prayer…A woman is brutalized in Oklahoma, when men carved the word “lesbian” into her arm…Gay Florida high school students seem to be losing the battle to be allowed to meet on campus…The government institutes strict new rules effecting Scientists …and guess what? Ol’ homophobic GW Bush is happy for Mary Cheney and her new baby…as we continue to look forward to Bush’s Last Day…and if you’re looking for a holiday laugh, check out a video from Will & Grace of Karen Will & Jack Caroling or watch a Christmas drag performance by Sharon MaGoodies… then check out this video of 4 drag queens singing live and humorously twisting their favorite Christmas tunes for a gay audience… finally, a Christmas spoof music video from Saturday Night Live with Justin Timberlake, Dick In A Box…and Justin competes with Salvation Santa in Homelessville







News Links Dec 8th 2006

Gay and conservative groups alike, speak out about the pregnancy of Mary CheneyPolls in New Jersey reveal the state’s acceptance of civil unions…Despite a motion to reconsider same sex marriage in Canada, the House of Commons rejects it…China declares it will prosecute those who knowingly infect others with the HIV virus…Two historic Virginia churches consider breaking from the national denomination over “moral backsliding”…In the Philippines, a drag performer is tragically electrocuted on stage…As the Vatican condemns it, a city in Italy creates a domestic partner registry…while in Jerusalem attempts are made to start the process to ban same sex marriage… Conservative Judaism, while still denouncing homosexuality, decides to allow gay rabbis and commitment ceremonies…Iraq’s terrorism against homosexuals continues as Iraq police abduct gay men at gunpoint, with the men feared to be now dead…but displaying what all Christian’s should have learned by now, Jennifer Hudson of the new “Dreamgirls” film, refuses to judge & condemn…  


News Links December 1, 2006

Congressman Barney Frank plans to take on the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Policy of the U.S. Military… and 14 retired military leaders join in a lawsuit battling the “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy…an anti-gay Senator attempts to block the nomination of a female judge because she attended a lesbian commitment ceremony… Maryland courts will broadcast web casts of the oral arguments in a challenge to the state’s same sex marriage ban…In New Jersey the battle continues for same sex marriage…the ACLU has filed a lawsuit in Florida over a school’s rejection of gay student association…Southern Baptists go after Walmart for reaching out to the gay community…another light shines on the constitution, as a Los Angeles judge strikes down part of Bush’s Military Commissions Act…check out a humorous poem about the gay fear factor of the GOP… a Pennsylvania court upholds custody granted to the lesbian x-partner of the biological mother of the children…and South Africa legalizes same sex marriage…

News Links November 20, 2006 30 years after homosexuality was declared natural by Psychiatrists, the Pentagon Lists Homosexuality As A Defect…A Gay Penguin Book rattles parents…Romney, the anti-gay Massachusetts Governor pushes the legislature for a decision about an anti-gay petition…watch a video of the gay protest at Romney’s Rally In DC…Senator John McCain, who wants to be President, turns more Republican every day as he states that he’s against Courts Setting Boundaries…and watch a video clip of McCain On This Week where he spews his prejudice on gays…conservatives object to a Florida Gubernatorial Questionnaire…while Howard Dean Courts Gays…and Bill Maher Outs Ken Mehlman…a recent study states ten percent of London Men carry HIV…Canadian Gay Marriage skyrockets…and in continuing litigation, the Internet Censorship war being waged on behalf of children, continues… 

News Links Nov 13th, 2006Something finally went the way of reason in America on November 7th, when Democrats took over the House and the Senate. We’ll also have the first female Speaker Of The House in our nation’s history…We all remember the infamous “Mission Accomplished” speech Bush gave aboard the air craft carrier in 2003. Not only did we all see it, but it’s been in the media over and over again since. Now, however, if you visit the White House Website , you’ll see a slightly altered video among the archives. This administration has apparently doctored the video so that the “Mission Accomplished” banner in the background is no longer visible. They didn’t even do a good job, with a large black bar at the bottom of the screen serving to take up the space left when the video was cropped. If you still don’t believe how deceptive and dishonest this administration is, take a look at the White House Censored “Mission Accomplished” Videothere’s a new look into the fraudulent practices of Diebold and the undeniable hacking problems with their electronic voting machines, in HBO’s Documentary “Hacking Democracy”, and it’s a very disturbing picture of the ignored decay of the American voting system…as was evident in this election, with  Glitches Early On In Voting Processand on the day of the election I found myself at the computer and ended up on the GOP website, where I found this interesting bit of propaganda, entitled Beware Of Exit Polls It’s fascinating for a few reasons. First off, why would any political party discourage the participation in an exit poll, since your vote has already been cast? Could it be that part of what instigated the investigation into the apparent discrepancies in the 2004 election was that the exit polls didn’t seem to match up with the votes? I also happened to catch FOX news that day discussing the same topic, using the exact same phrasing, and when I looked back at the document, lo and behold, many of the quotes came directly from FOX News. If you think FOX and the current White House aren’t in bed together, you’re not paying attention…in another bit of propaganda on the GOP site, Democrats are treated as demons to the public. These butcher pieces put up by the Republicans never seem to have more than a one sentence quote from anyone they’re going after, and there’s no link on any of them to directly access the evidence to the claims. I chose to look up the quote made by Hillary Clinton myself. While she did say those words, she was saying it about the impending tax cuts by the Republicans, and what she was saying was that the tax cuts may have to be reversed if it’s too damaging to the economy. This was a rational, conservative comment to make, a pledge to put the budget and the deficit at the top of the priority list. But Republicans chose to skewer their base with a few chosen words which sound threatening on their ownIt looks like an  Anti-Gay Senator will head the Republican National Committee…Attorneys representing same sex couples are petitioning the California Supreme Court to overturn an earlier ruling denying same sex couple protection under the state constitution… Life Expectancy for those with HIV increases… Election Results, despite the Democrats kicking Bush’s ass and the fact that more people than ever opposed anti-gay legislation, don’t look all that promising as seven states ban same sex marriage… New Jersey’s Supreme Court hears an anti-gay bullying case… Gay Rights Activists rally in Jerusalem, under police guard… Civil Unions Legalized in Mexico City… Elton John suggests banning all organized religions for their structured oppression of homosexuals…

News Links November 3rd, 2006 Violence and gunfire erupted at this year’s annual Castro Halloween Street Party in San Francisco, injuring 10 people…the incident prompts Mayor Gavin Newsome to make a statement with the possibility that he will Cancel Future Castro Halloween Parties due to the increasing presence of gay bashers…Four Men Are Convicted in the gay bashing of two men on the Caribbean island of St Martin…and with an election just a few days away, it’s becoming more clear just how hypocritical the conservative and religious movements in America really are, as we’re faced with another Christian Gay Scandal in Colorado, where a church leader, married father of five, and a man who stands in opposition to gay rights, steps down while being investigated for allegedly paying a man to secretly have sex with him for three years…and the love and acceptance continues to flow from religion, as evidenced by the aggressive opposition from groups against the Jerusalem Gay Pride event, which now may end up being cancelled…this, after 3 Nights Of Riotous Protest by the loving religious community…and the conservative closet just can’t stay closed, with more gay drama surrounding Republican Charlie Crist, Florida Gubernatorial Candidate… a Boston Radio Host Is Fired for calling a political candidate a “fat lesbian”, although it’s not the first time he’s used a gay slur on the air …and in the state of Missouri, the Baptist Convention Threatens Walmart because of their relationship with the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber Of Commerce…which comes about a week after The American Family Association urged it’s members to avoid Walmart for the same reasons, adding that a search of Wal-Mart’s website uncovers hundreds of products with “pro-homosexual leanings” (I’ve got to pay more attention when I shop there)…Martina Navritalova joins in the protest against a Gay Reversal Experimentation On Sheep taking place at a university in Oregon, at taxpayers expense, where they are basically trying to find a “cure” for homosexuality…In Wisconsin, an appeal by a convicted murderer who has tried to use the “gay panic” defense, was Denied… A UK Sex Study finds many of their preconceptions dashed with the results of their findings…and don’t miss round 2 with David Letterman & Bill O’Reilly in which Dave once again defeats one of the biggest fabricator of facts in America…

 HBO’s Real Time With Bill Maher “In North Korea: Kim Jong Il said he was sorry that he tested a nuclear bomb. They asked Kim about his change of heart and he said, “Hey, I’m not one of those morons who insists on “staying the course.” And also, he even said he’s having second thoughts about the hairdo…. President Bush today downgraded Kim from the “Axis of Evil” to the “Alliance of Assholes.” Actually the way Kim styles his hair he should be in the “Axis of Elvis.”

Last week Bush attended the launching of an aircraft carrier named after his father. And it inspired him to have Dennis Hastert towed into dry dock, and have someone update his gay-dar.”

News Links October 26th, 2006 In the midst of another self serving media manipulation of truth, Madonna Talks To Oprah to clear up the facts about her adoption controversy…Refusing to deliver, and some to even touch, anti-gay propaganda, several Canadian Postal Workers Walk Out…with the revelation that he used Human Rights Campaign resources to leak the emails which started the Mark Foley scandal, an HRC Employee Is Fired…once again gay marriage rights take the forefront as New Jersey Court Demands Equal Rights For Same Sex Couples…read the pros & cons of the decision…and shortly after, Bush Denounces NJ Decision…and faced with pressure to appeal their decision against the legalization of gay marriage, the Washington Supreme Court Declines To Reconsider…the ever waffling Hillary Clinton Is Ambivalent On Gay Marriage…South African Anglican churches state that Jesus Supports Gay Marriage…and take a look at How States Stand On Gay Marriage

And if you’re still not tuning in Real Time With Bill Maher on HBO every Friday night, you’re missing some of the best political debate in the media today… “I think there’s a right to privacy. But the right to privacy should not be a right to hypocrisy. And people who want to demonize other people shouldn’t then be able to go home and close the door and do it themselves.” — Rep. Barney Frank
News Links October 15th, 2006
Be afraid, be very afraid. While American are being told that GW has the right to define torture, which is terrifying enough, what we’re not being told is the real kicker. Check out Habeas Fascismus, an article detailing the Military Commissions Act of 2006, a bill passed by the Senate & House that basically strips all basic legal rights from anyone the government deems a “threat”… take a look…Ireland’s Supreme Court finds in favor of a lesbian couple, stating that Children of Same Sex Couples Are Equally Well Adjusted…the African National Congress is supporting the government’s same sex marriage bill and that Vote Assures Same Sex Marriage Legalization in South Africa…Massachusetts grants it’s First Out Of State Marriage License…and a Candidate for NY Governor Will Push For Gay Marriage…The University Of Oslo Natural History Museum has opened an exhibit that Displays Facts of Homosexuality In The Animal Kingdom, with the standard Christian outcry (you know, facts aren’t something Christians like very much…Philadelphia Schools Support Gay History Month by officially placing it on their calendars for the first time, despite critics warning that it’s “confusing” to children…Seeing the potential harm to recruitment, Arizona Firefighters Fight Against Anti-Gay Legislation…with a 40% increase over the last five years, Australia’s HIV Rates Rise Dramatically…Our muscle bound Governor, who only last year said he would sign a same sex marriage law if the voters supported it, is Now Unsure If He Would Sign It Into Law…three people are arrested in a very calculated Brooklyn Hate Crime…and regardless of whether it has any legal effect, Long Beach City Council Joins Other CA Cities In Supporting Gay MarriageSame Sex Marriage Foes Rally In Boston…and a List Of Supposed Gay Republican Staffers Circulates…while a Florida Gubernatorial Candidate Is Called Out For Being Gay…after his family disconnects life support, a NY Gay Bashing Victim Dies…the FBI Releases Gay Hate Crimes Data…and a new study asserts that Marriage Equality Would Benefit Economy

News Links Sept 25th, 2006
Believe it or not, Walmart Becomes A Corporate Member Of The NGLCC , the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber Of Commerce…HIV testing could become routine for everyone, as the CDC Backs HIV Testing for Anyone 13-64 Years Old …A club in Los Angeles cancels a concert by an Anti-Gay Singer …A lesbian coming out to her boyfriend ends up getting Her Head Sawed Off …The IRS threatens the tax exempt status of a liberal, pro-gay Pasadena church over an Anti-War Sermon …Outed former New Jersey Governor Jim McGreevey’s ex-aide says angrily that they never had sex but that he was harassed…The proudly insane Reverend Jerry Falwell says that Hillary Clinton is Worse Than Lucifer …Bill Clinton steps up and Blasts Critics of his efforts in the war on terror and the pursuit of Bin Laden. and whatever you do, don’t miss the Bill Clinton interview on FOX News Sunday. This is the kind of politician we need in America. Watch Chris Wallace shrink under this great man. Part 1Part 2Part 3 …Out actor Rupert Everett is over Hollywood and his book Exposes Hollywood & Homophobia …& our military keeps up the craziness by terminating the service of vital Arab linguists simply because they’re gay. The Daily Show on Comedy Central skewers The Danger Of Gay Arab Linguists to perfection… Watch It Here ..

News Links Sept. 9th, 2006
A transsexual teacher in New York causes parents to request class transfers for their children…South Africa faces the implementation of same sex marriage legislation… Wisconsin lawyers come out against anti gay proposals…Our own Governor Schwarzenegger has the last say over several gay rights bills, and vetoes an already watered down piece of LGBT school legislation…Police investigate hate crimes in Kentucky…A federal court denied an Illinois referendum proposing a ban on same sex marriage due to signature irregularities…Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie side with Charlize Theron & Stuart Townsend, and say they won’t marry until all Americans can…Uganda, where sodomy already carries a sentence of life in prison, has begun publishing the names of suspected homosexuals…& the original cop from the Village People, Victor Willis, enters rehab…

News Links Sept. 9th, 2006
NY Transsexual Teacher In Controversy

News Links Sept. 1 2006
The state of Arizona says voters can decide whether to allow same sex marriage…The outspoken Charles Barkley, considering politics, supports gay marriage…Argentina vows to end it’s ban on gays in the military…Southern Decadence returns to New Orleans…California passes a law requiring programs for LGBT seniors…Zanzibar, where gay sex was recently criminalized, forces the cancellation of a Freddie Mercury tribute show…and Batwoman is reincarnated as a lipstick lesbian…

A lesbian partner of a woman killed in a car accident is denied the right to file a wrongful death lawsuit in NY…Laguna’s infamous Boom Boom Room hangs on for a while longer…Canadian hotel workers choosing to wear AIDS ribbons are suspended for doing so…Wyoming lesbians win court case against school over promotions…Bush signs a new law which grants pension rights for same sex couples…the California Assembly approves a gutted LGBT school bill…there’s a new LGBT Masters Program at UCLA…and get ready for this, a “lesbian gang” in NY critically attacks a straight man who hit on one of them…and whatever you do, don’t miss the return of “Real Time with Bill Maher” on HBO this Friday, August 25th…and find time in your schedule to either watch or record Spike Lee’s unflinchingly honest and devastating documentary, “When The Levees Broke” about the politics behind the destruction of Hurricane Katrina…

Lesbian Partner Denied Right To Sue

Colorado can’t seem to quit, as The Colorado Family Action Council, an organization behind a proposed amendment which would ban same sex marriage has been found to be a front for Focus On The Family…Montana maintains a same sex marriage ban by deleting the issue…A lesbian couple in Wyoming sues the school district, saying they were demoted…In Indiana, the courts support adoption by same sex couples…Connecticut court refuses to allow conservative group to intervene in same sex marriage debate…Gay people attempt to flee Iraq in the face of homophobic violence…and a story to inspire all of us. Grandparents in Kansas who refuse to bow to conservative pressure when it comes to hanging a pride flag, a gift from their grandchild, outside of their bed and breakfast…may we all have as much integrity…

A Republican candidate in Georgia compares gay teens to pedophiles…SF Catholics work to continue gay adoptions…Gay bashers in New Mexico are charged…San Diego Pride bashers plead not guilty…”Renew America” leader spews unbelievable gay slurs…Gay Games exceed all expectations…FEDS curtail a Pride event in NY in it’s 30th year…and the Bill Gates Foundation contributes $287 million dollars to literally transform AIDS research…

City of Los Altos reverses ban on proclamations related to sexuality…Lambda Legal & ACLU battle Nebtraska courts…HIV virus able to “hide out”…3 people charged in California gay bashings…5 people bashed upon leaving San Diego Pride…North Carolina adjourns without dealing with marriage ban…Various leaders join forces for a national ad for marriage equality which is scheduled to appear in the Fresno Bee…and Ann Coulter slurs gays again…can someone please make her disappear?…

NEWS LINKS…July 26 2006
Washington State rules to uphold same sex marriage ban…Jerusalem World Pride postponed until after the war…Bounties offered for the murder of World Pride marchers…Lesbians victims of hate crime in Maine…Scandalized former mayor of Spokane dies…New Pride channel to debut…A free online encyclopedia to gay culture…and some Fake Gay News…
Washington State Upholds Same Sex Marriage Ban



NEWS LINKS…July 14, 2006

Last week, New York City’s appeal court ruled against marriage equality…
The lead opinion, written by Judge Robert Smith, relied on unsupported arguments about the importance of marriage for heterosexual couples and their children while disregarding the importance of marriage to same-sex couples and the thousands of children they raise in New York state. In an ironic twist on an old stereotype, the opinion theorized that it is rational to channel only heterosexuals into marriage since they have “all too often casual or temporary” relationships in which they conceive children by “accident or impulse”—children who then need the stability of having their parents marry. According to the opinion, this was in contrast to lesbian and gay couples, who do not become parents by “impulse” but rather through the careful planning involved in adoption and assisted reproduction methods. Their children thus can count on a more stable family setting and are in less need of married parents.


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