
Is chick-fil-a anti-gay? (Fresno Bee)


“Evidence is clear that one of the most intolerant groups in America today are gays.”

“…offend roughly half the population of the USA with your pro-homosexual agendas, the bastardization of the concept of Marrriage and corruption of terms like 'love' by using them to describe perversion and confused lust…”

“I just became a fan of chic fil a. I will be there friday and buy a bagfull.”

Above is just a sampling of some 360+ comments from the Chick-fil-A kiss-in event article that was featured on the front-page of THE FRESNO BEE this morning.

Sadly, it has brought out some of the worst anti-gay comments we've seen, locally, in a long time.

Won't you please take five minutes to post your support and balance these and the majority of other anti-gay viewpoints being posted? (You can log-in and comment with your facebook password, too).

Thank you!

Jason Scott
Gay Fresno

PS: Remember to RSVP to our event on Fri. August 3rd. Please share this with others!


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