
Imperial Dove Court – Closet Ball 2011

100_2268I had TOTALLY forgotten how long it takes to get in drag; from padding, to corset, hoes, and then fussing with make up that just seemed to be working against me for time. and then my wig and outfit went through as Janet Jackson conveniently called it wardrobe "malfunction". Not even because I made my own jewelry, painted nails, sewn sequins and beads weeks in advance; I was more than fashionable late allows. Once there I was greeted and made to feel welcome by Reynaldo Polido AKA "Esmerelda" and Russell McCartyAKA "Margo Starr" (forgive me for not knowing titles and numbers ladies... mamma's been out of circuit too long). There was a dinner provided with ticket purchase, but drinks were separate charge, (hmm, can we say Hometown buffet?)


I sat with Ms. Lisa Marie Le Grande, his mother, and his wife, Carol. I had brought along Robert St.James, (who plans to have me sponsor him for next year Closet Ball). I had fun catching up with old friends and making new friends like "Silk".

I sat with Ms. Lisa Marie Le Grande, his mother, and his wife, Carol. I had brought along Robert St.James, (who plans to have me sponsor him for next year Closet Ball). I had fun catching up with old friends and making new friends like "Silk".

ON WITH THE SHOW!!!! there were three contestants for Miss. Closet Ball; (no MR. this year). For those who don't know the concept of competition; 1.) each contestant comes out in regular gender 2.) then tries to show a hard defining contrast to the transition of opposite gender. 3.) performs in their new transition to gain the votes and popularity of audience and judges.


Contestants were:

            1.) Brandon - "Unique Batista Essence"

            2.) Mauricio - "Barbie Gon Wong"

            3.) Ronnie - "Britaneeda Smiles"

(I apologize if I misspelled your names)

Competition was very close between 1&3.

This Years Closet Ball Queen of 2011

"Unique Batista Essence"

In all it was a fun evening and hope that next years event is just as fun and the competition as fierce as it was this year. (NOTE: women are always encouraged to run for MR. Closet Ball)

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