
How Many Americans Now Enjoy Full Marriage Equality? Nate Silver Knows.

538-chart1-blog480-250x211Out gay statistician Nate Silver has charted how many Americans live in states that now have full marriage equality. Joe.My.God reports:

By August, there will be about 585 million people living in countries or jurisdictions where same-sex marriage is legal. That is roughly double the 289 million people living in such places in August 2012. Still, that represents only about 8 percent of the global population. No country in Asia, which has well more than half the world’s people, has authorized same-sex marriage. Instead, it’s the New World that has taken the lead. Of the 585 million people living in jurisdictions where same-sex marriage will be legal by August, about 360 million are in the Americas.

In the US, it works out to about 30% of the population now.



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