
Harnessing Marriage Equality Momentum

gaywedding-04Without a doubt, election night was a landslide victory for equality. Watching the historic results roll in on issues and candidates that matter to the progress of civil rights for LGBT people was truly a snapshot of just how much, and how quickly, this country has changed on social issues.

Obviously the reelection of President Obama is a huge win for LGBT equality.

Bringing back the first sitting President who not only came out in support of marriage equality, but also signed comprehensive hate crimes legislation and ended “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”, proved that supporting and legislating equality isn’t the political suicide opponents said it would be.

In fact, out-of-touch views on social issues like LGBT rights was actively used as an attack on the defeated Mitt Romney, who was endorsed by groups like the bigoted National Organization for Marriage. The President’s reelection proves that vocal support for our rights can now be seen as a political plus and regressive policies about equality are damaging.

Full Story at LGBTQ Nation


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