
Happy New Year

cheersDid we really just come through a whole year?  Is it really time to shout from the rooftops, Happy New Year?  If your 2017 was anything like mine, you’re shouting louder than an Unbalanced Religious Freak on a street corner!

This past year we’ve seen it all, at least I hope so.  We have experienced hurricanes that pounded Texas and the East coast, earthquakes in Mexico, California Wildfires, an attempt to institute a ban on Muslins from entering the United States, transgender rights rolled back to Pre-Obama times and an assault on health care for some of the poorest people in our Country. As if this wasn’t enough, we’ve witnessed white supremacy marches and rallies like we haven’t seen since the 50’s and 60’s.


Today we live in a country like no other country in the world. In 2018, we are a melting pot of different races, ethnicities, religions, and economic levels. We are a democratic society where everyone gets a say, even if it’s harmful, hurtful, or dangerous. History has shown that with every great stride this land of ours has taken for the poor, the disenfranchised, and the marginalized, it came with a fight. I am a firm believer that in order to take those ‘Two Steps Forward’, an occasional ‘One Step Back’ unfortunately sometimes has to happen.



It has been said by my readers, that, whether in my novels, or in my blog, I tackle very difficult subjects in an informative, respectful way.  Well, this year, on May 1, 2018, I am releasing my next book, titled Diego’s Secret, which is about some of the important issues we as a country are dealing with today—the pervading discrimination against immigrants, the dichotomy of the lives of rich men versus poor ones, and the fear of rejection faced by the LGBTQ community.  Once again, in this book, I am pushing the envelope with a moral dilemma, woven into a heartfelt story, where each of the characters experience personal growth and, of course, find love.

Personal growth’ isn’t bound to the pages of a book. Shouldn’t we all be striving for it? No matter your age, the world continues to evolve.  We no longer live in a community of just a couple of square blocks.  In today’s world, our community is the world, and what happens across the globe, can be knocking at your door the next day and coming for you.

This year, in 2018, I challenge you to pick a cause. Find some time in your busy life to do something that helps the poor, the homeless, the sick, the uneducated or the abused, and let your actions make a difference.  Whatever it is, together, we can make this world a better place. It’s not enough anymore to just say, “I did my part already.” This world needs your involvement now more than ever.

Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable. Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals.”—Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

I wish you all great success with whatever it is you’ve set your mind to do for this New Year.  One small difference can change the world. What will that difference be for you?

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