GetEQUAL: Tony Perkins Is Right

Dear friends, Well, it finally happened. Family Research Council's Tony Perkins finally got something right.

In a recent press release, Tony got all hot and bothered that GetEQUAL DC organizers decided to call out Bancroft PLLC -- the bigoted and discriminatory law firm that has taken up the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) case -- after another law firm, King & Spalding, decided it was too hot to handle:

[G]roups like GetEQUAL and others are forming what is basically a mobile protest unit. [Monday], its activists rallied outside the offices of King & Spalding--only to learn that its attorneys had bailed on the case. So what did they do? Hopped in the car, drove across town to Paul Clement's new firm, and started demonstrating there.

I don't know if Tony's ever encountered discrimination in his life, but I can assure you that spending the night in jail is not for the faint of heart...and attacking brave equality activists via a press release doesn't sound very lion-hearted to me. And, if Tony had any idea what he was talking about, he'd know that we didn't jump into a car and drive across town -- we walked a few blocks.  ðŸ™‚

All that being said, here's where Tony is right -- we are, indeed, creating the "mobile protest units" that he references, organizing in states across this country from North Carolina to Texas to Wyoming. After launching our Organizing For Equality campaign, we've seen incredible organizers spring forward in Ohio, Georgia, Arizona, and more -- and we're just getting started.

But we need your help.

Watch this video explaining Organizing For Equality (OFE), then pick a state that you want to support financially. We'll split your donation 50/50 between our national organizing and the organizing happening in the state of your choice, supporting the "mobile protest units" that can form rapid response teams when groups like the Family Research Council decide to stand in the way of our equality.

We're going to get equal, whether Tony Perkins likes it or not. But we need your help. Watch the video, pick a state, and help us get there.

Get Out! Get Active! GetEQUAL!

Robin McGehee, Director


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