Get Equal: We’ll Give When We Get Equal

ImageGet Equal has launched a campaign that at this stage of the game makes sense. Their campaign, We’ll Give When We Get Equal, urges the LGBT Community to withhold dollars and support from any politician that is not finding "concrete ways to work toward our collective equality". Check out their FAQ Page to learn more about the campaign.

Any one of us paying attention to the politicians in Washington over the last few years can easily come to the conclusion that it’s basically little more than words. Not only are we struck down on issues we’re told are a slam dunk, but we’re verbally massacred on a daily basis, labeled such things as un-natural and diseased. For anyone to say at this point that our government is operating on anything other than the blueprint of maintaining their comfortable position and placating the prejudice masses who will in turn guarantee their career stability is simply naive. It’s far past the time when LGBT Americans should have been allowed access to equal rights. If money is the way politicians operate and what they respond to (and we know it is) then that’s where we have to hit them.

Get Equal is not asking you to cut off funds to one political party, but to any party or politician that merely speaks eloquently, but follows through on none of their words. In the past, we’ve continued to donate money because we believed that Republicans were a loss and that Democrats were simply struggling to win over the opposition. Now, it’s clear that Democrats simply don’t have the balls to shove logic and common sense, and most of all, American principals, down the throats of those that do little more than pander to the misguided masses who don’t truly believe in the foundations this nation was founded on.

So while we have financially supported what we considered to be the more liberal in the ethically challenged world of politicians, in the hopes of providing the stimulus to succeed, we must now retract any support until America fulfills it’s pledge to all its citizens, not just the majority.

Really, how long should we provide financial support for those who don’t put themselves on the line for us? For me, this is the same as when even LGBT organizations use every dramatic turn of events in our struggle for equal rights to fill our email boxes with requests for more money. It’s the same as when, during every election, there are measures to give more money to schools. Another example of an American institution which fails year after year to step up to the plate and make the money they have work for them. Institutions, which year after year, fall farther and farther below the line of success while money is literally thrown at them.

It’s time to stop the flow of dollars for all kinds of institutions and organizations throughout this country until they prove that they have even the slightest responsibility and integrity to manage what they are given in order to benefit all Americans.



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