Gay Fresno announces efforts to win equal marriage rights

Gay Fresno is proud to join with Marriage Equality USA (MEUSA) and 50 local and national partners in the Campaign for 20 Million More - a growing coalition working to win the freedom to marry and to defeat anti-equality ballot initiatives in Election 2012.




"The Campaign for 20 Million More is a powerful example of what is best about our community and allies when we all work together towards big goals. I am so thankful to our almost 50 local and national partners for their contributions, and to the many MEUSA volunteers and staff for their work in managing this initiative," said Brian Silva, MEUSA Executive Director.

"Over 20 million Americans will be affected by elections directly involving marriage equality in Maine, Maryland, Minnesota and Washington," added Stuart Gaffney, MEUSA Media Director. "Polls nationwide are showing majority support for equal marriage rights, and the Campaign for 20 Million More is now harnessing that tremendous grassroots support in order to win the freedom to marry."

Gay Fresno will join the campaign by co-hosting multiple phone banks for the states this Fall working towards marriage equality for all Americans. In Fresno, join us at Fresno, CA on:

October 23rd 6pm - 8pm at Carrows, 4228 N. Blackstone Avenue. If possible please bring A) wifi-enabled laptop & headphones with/ mic OR B) wifi-enabled iPad and a cell phone.


October 30th 6pm - 8pm at Denny's, 30 E. Herndon Avenue. If possible please bring A) wifi-enabled laptop & headphones with/ mic OR B) wifi-enabled iPad and a cell phone.

The 20 Million More Campaign is a coalition effort supporting our marriage equality partners in Maine, Maryland, Minnesota and Washington as they face their own state battles this fall, by helping to educate the voters in those states regarding marriage equality. The campaign does this through phone banks organized across the country, and via canvassing weekends in the four election states.

Questions? 559-862 4559

Full details of the campaign can be found at


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