gay central valley

Gay Central Valley “Final Act”

Thank you to Gay Central Valley in their “Final Act” they’ve chosen our non profit, LGBT Community Network, to receive $1,000 towards our efforts to inform, educate and advocate on behalf of the LGBT Community. We greatly appreciate their generosity and the work they’ve accomplished over the years.

 gay central valley


To the Fresno / Central Valley LGBT+ Community,

As you know, Gay Central Valley is in the process of dissolving as a nonprofit organization.

The decision was not taken lightly nor was it the fault of our board of directors or volunteers who worked tirelessly and without pay in order to support the many projects of the organization.

Though GCV will no longer be a part of the LGBT+ community of Fresno or the greater Central Valley, we are leaving resources in place to help continue our work and support our community. This blog and all its resources will stay available for the next few years. Our website with its resources will remain available until the end of 2018. Our social media pages will be shut down but we encourage you to visit a new community supported page LGBT+ Central Valley to post events and stay connected. The Rainbow Delegation Project has been taken over by another organization and bracelets will still be available both for free at events and for purchase online.


Lastly, we have been blessed with some wonderful fundraising endeavors in recent years and as our final act as an organization, we are pleased to be able to gift our remaining financial assets to the following LGBT+ supporting local nonprofits. Checks will be mailed in the coming weeks.


Lavender Convention
Positive Life


All About Care
The Imperial Dove Court de Fresno/Madera Inc
LGBT Community Network
The Living Room (Project of WestCare)
MoPride-Pride Center


Rainbow Delegation


Bulldog Pride Foundation
Community Link
Fresno EOC Sanctuary and Youth Services

Our remaining balance* will be gifted to The GSA Network in January.
*Amount subject to change as we wait for the last administrative invoices.


Again, it was our pleasure to serve the LGBT+ Community over the past many years. With gratitude, we want to wish you all a wonderful holiday season.

Thank you and goodbye

–The Gay Central Valley Board of Directors.


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