
From Privilege to PRIDE: Love is the Road

front_coverAfter almost two decades of marriage to men, three children each, and years of friendship between them, two best friends living in the most conservative region of California realized they were lesbians and in love with each other. Having been raised Mormon, Candi married early and began having children right away. She was deeply entrenched in her religion when she met Kristin who was raised in Ventura, California, by permissive parents in a drug-infested environment where she spent more time at the beach surfing than she did attending school. As they jumped head first into a romantic relationship, Kristin and Candi had to navigate their way through a myriad of unfamiliar emotions that came with this intense and passionate love affair. They had everything to lose as they risked not only their own relationship but that of their children and husbands as well. This humorous and heart-wrenching story illustrates the difficulties of blending two families with six children along with the added complication of facing the homophobia and discrimination that comes from living openly as same-sex partners and parents. Having lived in both worlds, they clearly saw the distinct contrast between conforming to society’s expectations and going against the norm. In the midst of the Proposition 8 battle for marriage equality and after living nearly forty years with heterosexual privilege, Kristin and Candi sacrificed their basic civil rights in exchange for true love, but in their struggle to rebuild their lives, they created a new normal where they lived life on their own terms.

Available for purchase at Amazon: Paperback & eBook

About the Authors

Candi Hood, MA, is a parent, author, teacher, and grant writer. She has authored over $10 million in grants and coordinated several community service projects that have changed the lives of many. Candi has degrees in Management and Organizational Development, Child Development, and Early Childhood Education, and is a Certified Dyslexia Testing Specialist. After moving to Ohio and reorganizing her life, she finally settled back in Central California to be near her family. She and Kristin now live on The Ubiquitous Farm with the two youngest of their six children and several dogs and cats. Kristin Beasley, PhD, was raised at the beach in southern California where she spent more time surfing than attending school. As an adult she completed her PhD in Clinical Psychology with specializations in Neuropsychology and Parent Infant Mental Health. She has a passion for helping others and advocating for the less fortunate and at-risk populations. After allowing her maternal instincts to lead her down the traditional path of marriage with children, cancer brought her to her knees and taught her about living authentically. Now she and Candi are building their dream project, a philanthropic, organic farm where money grows on trees, feeds the community, and supports economic development.


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