
Family Research Council Threatens SPLC With $100 Million Lawsuit

Family_Research_CouncilJoining the chorus of anti-gay conservatives blaming the Southern Poverty Law Center’s “hate group” labels for Wednesday’s tragic shooting at the Family Research Council, internet evangelist Bill Keller has threatened to sue the SPLC for $100 million if it does not take him and his ministry off its “hate group” list:

KELLER: The sad shooting the other day at the Family Research Council by a man who supports the radical homosexual agenda, was clearly fueled by the left wing group, the Southern Poverty Law Center. I receive at least 4-5 death threats a month for taking a Biblical stand on issues like homosexuality, the false religion of Islam and other cults, and the fact life begins at conception and choosing to end that life is nothing more than legalized infanticide.

Groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center give license to individuals who oppose a Biblical worldview to take whatever actions they deem fit, even acts of violence, to silence those they disagree with. Sadly, this intimidation has worked, because there are very few like myself who are willing to go into the mainstream media and promote Biblical Truth that a large percentage of society now rejects.

Authored By Zack Ford – See the Full Story at Think Progress


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