
Exclusive With Sandy & Kris, Prop 8 Plaintiffs

kris-sandyA week ago, we had the pleasure to meet Prop 8 lawsuit plaintiffs Kris and Sandy at the “8″ Play reading in Sacramento. Kris and Sandy’s characters are major players in the play (and the case). They participated in the Q&A session after the plat, and were also gracious enough to agree to an interview with Gay Marriage Watch.

Thanks, guys, and our hopes are with you!

GMW: Where were you when Prop 8 passed, and what do you remember about that night?

Kris & Sandy: Sandy and I were home watching election returns. It wasn’t quite as clear the night of the election as it was the day after during my commute to work. I was listening to NPR and it finally hit me what a tragedy the passage of Prop 8 was and how personally hurt I was by it.

GMW: What kind of toll does living in a state that bans marriage equality take on gay families like yours?

Kris & Sandy: When we filed suit challenging Prop 8 our youngest sons were 14, they will tun 18 next week. They will have spent their entire childhoods in a family where the parents love each other deeply but cannot marry. It has a very harmful effect on them and on us to know we cannot provide the most basic foundation of security and permanence.

GMW: Have all your friends and family been supportive of your desire to get married?

Kris & Sandy: Our friends and family have surprised us with their interest and concern. Sandy and I have both heard from childhood friends who wanted to express support, distant relatives who felt compelled to reach out and our immediate family have been terrific. It takes great patience and understanding to share us with the case and the time demands. We hope to get back to being a part of the usual events in everyone’s lives when the case is resolved.

GMW: Have you worked with Broadway Impact to get the story out via the play?

Kris & Sandy: Yes, Sandy and I have been a part of the great work Broadway Impact has done to support AFER and marriage equality. The distribution of Dustin Lance Black’s play and spreading the results of the case has done so much to raise the visibility of this issue.

GMW: What will you do when Prop 8 is finally struck down?

Kris & Sandy: Prop 8 has been struck down 2 times already. If SCOTUS agrees with the lower court rulings we will celebrate by getting married. Something we have wanted to do for 4 years.


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