EQCA Will Not Engage in Prop 8 Repeal Campaign

October 5, 2011

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Equality California Launches ‘The Breakthrough Conversation’ Project to Build Support for LGBT Equality and Marriage, Opts Not to Return to Ballot on Marriage in 2012

(San Francisco) Equality California announced today that it is launching a new public education project, “The Breakthrough Conversation,” designed to overcome the psychological, cultural and emotional triggers around lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people and kids that continue to impede securing full equality, including the freedom to marry.  While it pursues this essential work, Equality California said it will not lead an effort to return to the ballot in 2012 to repeal Proposition 8.

“For decades, opponents of equality have used prejudicial and dehumanizing myths about LGBT people being a harm to kids and families as a weapon against us in the legislature, in the courts and at the ballot,” said Equality California Executive Director Roland Palencia. “We have to address this wrong to effectively have this ‘Breakthrough Conversation’ in the public sphere and confront major societal barriers that prevent us from securing full and lasting equality, including marriage.”



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