Democrat Committe Approves Marriage Equality Plank Unanimously

DNC-2The Democratic Party’s Platform Committee unanimously approved language expressing support for marriage equality at its meeting Saturday in Detroit, sending the proposal on for ratification at the national convention next month in Charlotte, N.C.

A DNC source told The Advocate that the full committee accepted the language revealed on Thursday without controversy, and approved an amendment in support of equal treatment of LGBT Americans in immigration and naturalization. The final platform language has not yet been released, but the source said that the LGBT-specific sections, including the new amendment, would not change between now and the convention.

The amendment language approved Saturday and obtained by The Advocate says, “the administration has said that the word ‘family’ in immigration includes LGBT relationships in order to protect binational families threatened with deportation.”

In addition to its support of “marriage equality,” the platform language unveiled two days ago endorsed an inclusive Employment Non-discrimination Act with protections for sexual orientation and gender identity, and it committed the party to “continue our work to prevent vicious bullying of young people and support LGBT youth.”


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