
Come Out for Marriage Equality

rally-250x250On March 26th and 27th, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments in two cases, respectively, which are fundamentally about whether same-sex couples, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Americans should have the same rights and freedoms as everyone else. The Supreme Court (SCOTUS) will make rulings by June, on whether or not it is constitutional for the federal government to deny a minority of U.S. citizens’ rights and privileges under the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), and whether or not to uphold the decision striking down Prop 8, where a majority of Californians voted to take rights away from a targeted minority.

Do you realize how important your presence at an event or rally is, this March 2013?

The LGBT community and supporters are planning events nationwide, to rally in support of marriage equality and full equality for gay,lesbian, bisexual and transgender Americans, while many thousands plan to converge on Washington D.C.


March 20th – Visalia

Panel Discussion, COS, Rm 150 Sequoia 5-8p

March 25th – Porterville

Candlelight Vigil, City Hall Building, 5:30-7p

March 26th – Fresno

Candlelight Vigil, Federal Courthouse, 4-6p

March 27th – Hanford

Candlelight Vigil, Old Courthouse, 5:30-7:30p

Join the events on Facebook or go to lighttojustice.org

Brought to you by local, grass roots organizing with the assistance of: GetEqual, Marriage Equality USA, Gay Fresno, Gay Visalia, Gay Porterville, Gay Hanford, Gay Central Valley, COS Pride Club and many other local organizations.


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