Central Valley Power Summit , Activist Training

Central Valley Power Summit – LGBT Activist Training taking place July 16-17 in Fresno

In the 2004 Election cycle, the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community faced the biggest attack at the ballot box this country has ever seen.  Through ballot initiatives in 13 states, 22 million Americans voted to amend their constitutions to ban marriage of same-sex couples.

In California, we cannot let that happen.  California has the most comprehensive domestic partnership law in the nation.  AB205 took effect in January 2005 and gives domestic partners almost all of the state rights and protections of marriage.  An effort has begun to amend the California state constitution, not only to ban marriage equality, but also to overturn AB205.  This attack on LGBT people seeks to demonize us, turn out the anti-gay vote, and end the debate on marriage.

Communities across the country are facing similar struggles, which are taking place
on many fronts, including but not limited to:

·       Defeating anti-LGBT ballot measures
·       Passing pro-LGBT legislation
·       Fighting for the freedom to marry
·       Building more powerful alliances across race, class, & gender lines


The Central Valley Power Summit is an intensive training and action program for dedicated people who are highly motivated to build powerful state and local campaigns, organizations, and coalitions aimed at creating positive community change.  Leaders will gain valuable skills on how to build larger teams and communicate with voters in effective ways.

Curriculum  Overview

The training will focus on cutting-edge skills and strategies necessary for building political, organizational, and community power.  Task Force staff, as well as co-trainers with extensive experience in their fields, will lead sessions designed to:

·       Develop broad public support for LGBT issues
·       Identify and build a large-scale base of pro-LGBT voters & citizen lobbyists
·       Recruit the volunteers needed to build this base
·       Develop a sustained campaign to win at the ballot box or in the legislature
·       Build action-oriented coalitions across race, class, & gender lines

Dates,  Location  and  More  Information

Dates: Saturday July 16 – Sunday July 17, 2005
Hours: · Saturday 9AM-9PM  ·  Sunday 9am–3pm
Training site:  To be disclosed/determined
Contact Person: [email protected]  ·  (415) 581– 0005 extension 6#

Get More Information @ http://www.eqca.org/cvpowersummit

A non-refundable registration fee of $20 is required to cover basic meeting costs, including food.
Participants must make a commitment to put the training to use when they return home. 
* * Enrollment is limited. Participants must attend the entire training * *

Transgender people, women, and people of color are highly encouraged to apply


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