
Gays vs. Animals

I’ve been hiding from all the controversy lately. Well, not so much hiding as just ignoring it, or trying my best to anyway. I had a huge realization on my drive home from work today. I recently had a friend tell me that they are liking animals much more than gay people lately. Even though […]

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Is chick-fil-a anti-gay? (Fresno Bee)

“Evidence is clear that one of the most intolerant groups in America today are gays.”  “…offend roughly half the population of the USA with your pro-homosexual agendas, the bastardization of the concept of Marrriage and corruption of terms like ‘love’ by using them to describe perversion and confused lust…” “I just became a fan of

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Pecs n City

Pecs and the City

Ah, fairy tales… The sugar-spun stories of our childhood that made us believe in so many things: happy endings, Prince Charmings, and the existence of trolls. They also made us think about another important fact and I’m not talking about the obvious problems with wearing glass footwear. Fairy tales made us believe that no matter

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The word by Sheila

You’d think that with the real problems facing America these days, and with the undeniable improvements in public opinion we’ve seen over the past decade or two, most of the culture warriors would have put a lid on it and moved on. Instead it’s like fighting zombies. They just won’t die. In Indiana culture warrior

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