
Trials and tribulations of our writers / contributors lives


The Future of Marriage Equality

The Prospect​ tells you what’s in store for election day, when three states are slated to consider allowing same-sex nuptials. If you’ve ever read an article about a gay marriage ballot initiative, you’ve almost certainly seen an anti-marriage-equality advocate proclaim confidently that every time the question has been on the ballot, “traditional marriage” has won, and

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Is Marriage Equality Inevitable?

The greatest roadblock to marriage equality has been the ballot box. In less than two months, voters will determine the fate of marriage equality in Maine, Maryland, and Washington. Voters will also have their say on a state constitutional prohibition against same-sex marriages in Minnesota. For the first time, however, I have little doubt that

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Medical Matters – Summer Heat

What a scorcher it’s been so far this summer, combined with temperatures at or near all-time record highs in many parts of the country and humidity have meant that anything one does outdoors can be fraught with not only sweat, but the threat of heat exhaustion, heatstroke or even death. But what do we know

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