
Trials and tribulations of our writers / contributors lives

Working through the stages: Friend’s death brings unexpected gift of personal renewal

With the publication of her book “On Death and Dying” in 1969, Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross began a worldwide discussion about death and grief. The author presented her theory that people grieving the death of a loved one experience common emotional stages: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Dr. Kübler-Ross proposed these five stages of grief

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rebel heart

Be still, my “Rebel Heart”

Madonna is the Queen. No, seriously – she is the undisputed Queen. Let me explain… For starters, she’s sold over 300 million albums worldwide (more than any female artist) over her 32-year career. She’s the top-touring solo artist in history and those shows are sold out, critically acclaimed extravaganzas. She’s a billionaire…..I could go on

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Beauty in the 21st Century

Beauty is a hybrid of qualities, such as shape, color, or form that pleases the aesthetic senses, meaning sight. Beauty consists of an alteration of oneself. Based on the environment we live in, we attempt to fit into the mold that is held in front of us. My attempt at beauty came with the decision

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Finances in Focus

It probably doesn’t happen as much as you’d like, but from time to time, you have some extra disposable income. When this happens, how should you use the funds? Assuming you have adequate emergency savings — typically, three to six months’ worth of living expenses — should you pay off debts or fund your IRA

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Before and After Gay

Coming out is a right of passage for gay men and women — an experience as nearly universal as it is unique for each person. The process invariably began with the moment where the journey from self-discovery to self-awareness finally coalesces in self-acceptance and the readiness to speak the words. It began the first time

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One Surrogate’s Journey

It all started back in 2006. My son was a year-and-a-half old and I knew that he’d be our only child. I was fine with this—I’d only ever wanted one child. What I wasn’t prepared for was the desire to be pregnant again. My pregnancy wasn’t perfect. It had its ups and downs, but overall

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