
Trials and tribulations of our writers / contributors lives

History of Times Square Ball Drop

From Kate Kelly, Blogging on The Huffington Post Tonight people from around the world will pack into Times Square in anticipation of being at the "center of the universe" for the countdown to midnight. In addition to the one million people expected to be there in person, an estimated audience of one billion people around

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Just As I Am

In the last few weeks, I’ve been dealing with some depression.  It happens to me occasionally, and because of my own mental instabilities, I tend to obsess on the depression.  I, as always, attempted to fill the void and placate the overwhelming sensation with food, shopping, and booze.  More or less, I just buried the

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The Fight for Women’s Rights: Can the LGBT community learn from their example and history?

**Author’s note:  I’ve heard it said on more than one occasion that the current equal rights movement is similar to that of the plight of women in this country before the 1920s.  As my great great grandmother was a teenager during one of the most troubling and horrifying times for women in the United States,

The Fight for Women’s Rights: Can the LGBT community learn from their example and history? Read More »

The Dream of Hate

                It was hot. It was probably the hottest day of the year. It wasn’t eighty degrees. It was ninety degrees. The sweat in the air seemed to make it even worse. This was the type of day that made you want to watch television. This type of day made you want to go swimming

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If you would like to drive together………contact me at [email protected] This is the last time Dr. Pearson is scheduled to be in California this year.  If you know anyone who would benefit from attending this workshop, please pass it along.  As you know this material is extremely well researched. Christianity & Homosexuality Reconciled Workshop Experience

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Remembering Nathan

Too often, most of us tend to go through life taking small things for granted: our friends, our family, and all the good things that should truly matter. It’s unfortunate, but many times we don’t realize how much we loved something or someone until they’re gone. In that sense, life can have a bittersweet way

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Locker Room Awkwardness

Shit shit shit were my thoughts as I stood there. Why me? Why now. This was the anxiety that kept running through my brain in the locker room. Andrew stood to my right. He was tall and skinny. He put off gym another year as much as I wanted to. He had these big eyes

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