
The latest news from local authors


New Studies: Many Straights Think Gays Choose Orientation; Many Think Gays Are Dirty

A couple interesting new studies out this week on how straight people view gays. First off, a new Gallup poll shows that 37% still believe being gay is a choice. Queerty reports: According to Gallup’s latest results, posted on Wednesday, 37 percent of Americans “believe people become gay as a result of factors such as

New Studies: Many Straights Think Gays Choose Orientation; Many Think Gays Are Dirty Read More »


US Marriage Equality By 2015?

There’s a fair chance that US marriage equality is just around the corner. Vox reports: At this point, it’s looking more and more likely that the battle for marriage equality will once again reach the Supreme Court. By Paul Smith’s estimate, it’s going to take at most two years for the nation’s top court to

US Marriage Equality By 2015? Read More »