California Schools May Be First To Include LGBT Americans In History

California may soon require the inclusion of the historical contributions of LGBT Americans to classroom teachings.

A California education bill requiring that notable gay, lesbian, bisexuals and transgender persons be added in social studies lessons under a landmark bill has passed in the California Senate. The legislation, called the Fair, Accurate, Inclusive and Respectful Education Act passed on a 23-14 party line vote.

As sponsor Mark Leno points out in the attached video, "Since the 1970's, our education code has required that the role and contributions of women, African Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian Americans, European Americans be included in our history studies."

Leno also cites the current rash of LGBT teen suicides as a result of the lack of inclusion of LGBT Americans in the discussion of Americans and their contributions.

The bill still has to clear the State Assembly and be signed by Governor Jerry Brown, which seems like a slam dunk as far as Brown is concerned. The bill may be signed into law by the end of the summer.



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