
California Moves Forward, Tennessee Steps Back

Just as California sits on the edge of becoming the first state in the country which will mandate the inclusion of LGBT Americans and their contributions during school history classes, Tennessee is heading in the opposite direction. A bill, the so called Don't Say Gay Bill will make it illegal to discuss any sexuality with students other than heterosexuality. It's now passed the Tennessee Senate.

Tennessee already has a "family life" policy at schools, making it a misdemeanor to discuss sex at all in their schools prior to the eighth grade. That made for some conflict as the bill made its way through, since some pointed out the sort of "protections" the bill seeks are already in place. After the bill passed the Senate, Senator Brian Kelsey (also Republican...I know, I don't really have to point that out, do I?) proposed explicitly excluding homosexuality from the state's family life curriculum, because, you know, we don't have families...


All of this comes from Senator Stacey Campfield, a 43 year old, unmarried Republican, who describes himself on his blog as "Just an average guy with a real cool job". And, oh, of course, his favorite book is the Bible. Campfield is a real winner, stating things on his website like banks are not evil and don't want people to lose their homes to foreclosure. Who's the real winner in the foreclosure crisis? According to Campfield, it's the newspapers (media) which gets paid for the foreclosure notices they list. Who knew all this time the newspapers were the real demon behind failed mortgages and foreclosures?

As far as this issue, he posts...

"Don't teach gay" bill passes senate ed

The bill saying parents, not teachers, should be the one deciding what and when a child (Pre k - 8) is prepared to learn about homosexuality passed the full senate education committee today.

7 years in the making and it finally gets out of the first subcommittee or full committee.

There was some twists and turns but in the end it came out in a very acceptable form.

Grammar isn't his strong suit...

He's also for issuing death certificates for aborted fetuses and permitting guns on college campuses.

I don't know about you, but I see an airport bathroom or a truck stop in "Campfield's" future...


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