Vickye Ashton

Protecting the President’s King

Let me say right off that I understand the skepticism and the caution. President Obama, after all, waited nearly four years to say anything this unequivocal. He sat and watched while state after state chose to pull right after right away, sometimes preemptively. Sometimes he spoke up, but generally, it was weak tea. But, this

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A Painful Blip in Time

I don’t know what to say that I haven’t said before. I don’t know how to convince people if it didn’t work before. I don’t know how to hold back this tide of fear and hate that seems to be gaining tread in this country, in this world. But, being quiet doesn’t feel like an

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Letter to Jim Franklin

Dear Jim, I am trying my hardest to understand you. At first, I just couldn’t stand you and didn’t really care why you did what you did. But, the more I think about it, I just think there must be something I am not getting and maybe if I try to understand you, then I

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Don’t Feed the Crazy

The Valentine’s Day Marriage Equality Counter action was bittersweet. It was sweet to see the couples holding hands at the counter, asking for that piece of paper that would give legal recognition to their relationships. It was bitter to know that they never had a chance (although, I have a secret wish every year that

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NOTLFWPL (National Organizaion That Loves to F*ck With People’s Lives)

Let’s be honest: the other side lies. Their claims range from the annoyingly cherry-picked statistics (gays and lesbians are more likely to be depressed or commit suicide) to the fear-inducing predictions (gays and lesbians will molest/recruit your kids) to the what the f*ck?! (did you know that the Nazis were gay?) After they lie, they

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This is NOT a popularity contest

Why is the idea of a little civil disobedience so distasteful to some people? Why is it considered so wrong to fight a little harder for something you passionately believe in? Why are people worried about offending others, about pissing people off? This isn’t a popularity contest. This is a fight for civil rights, for

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