
Anti Gay GOP Activist Admits Republicans Have Lost War on Marriage Equality

family-research-councilProminent anti-gay advocate Gary Bauer admitted on Wednesday that his party cannot keep up with the change in public opinion on marriage equality, according to an interview with the conservative religious organization LifeSiteNews.

Bauer, a former president of the Family Research Council who remains influential in certain evaneglical and Republican circles, ran a super PAC during the 2012 election that attacked President Obama on his support for marriage equality. While Bauer suggested after the election that then-presidential candidate Mitt Romney would have won over critical minority voters by attacking LGBT rights, he’s now admitting that he was mistaken:

“The coalition in favor of normal marriage has been made up of political conservatives and American minority groups, including Hispanics and blacks. But the president’s so-called ‘evolution’ on this issue has resulted in what appears to be a major shift among blacks and Hispanics toward favoring same-sex marriage.”

See the Full Story at Think Progress


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