Advertise In The SFGMC Program – Donate Silent Auction Items

Gay Central Valley and Bulldog Pride Fund have joined forces to bring the San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus to Fresno for a Sunday Afternoon concert on April 10th, 2011. The concert will take place on the campus of Fresno State and starts at 2:30pm, and is part of the SFGMC's second year of their California Freedom Tour. All proceeds from the concert and other sales benefit Gay Central Valley, the Fresno LGBT Community Center, the San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus and Bulldog Pride Fund.  There are several ways to be involved in our event...


Business Card Ad        (3.5"x2")                      $50.00

1/4 Page Ad                (2.5"x4")                      $75.00

1/2 Page Ad                (5"x4")                         $100.00

Full Page Ad                (5.25"x 8.25")              $150.00

Inside Front Cover       (5.25"x 8.25")              $200.00

Inside Back Cover       (5.25"x 8.25")              $200.00

Back Cover                  (5.25"x 8.25")              $225.00

(Ad sizes are width X height. Please submit completed ads in JPEG format, 300dpi. Submission Deadline is Thursday, March 31st. Send ads & inquiries to Chris Jarvis at [email protected] or call 559-325-4429 for more information.)

We are also accepting donations of raffle items as well as silent auction items. Silent auction items will be on display for bidding prior to and after the performance. Raffle and Silent Auction acknowledgements will be provided. Also, during the concert we will auction off an offer to personally conduct the San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus for one song.

Purchase tickets to the event! Tickets are available for online. Please visit for links. Tickets may also be purchased the day of the event at a slightly higher cost. Youth & Student rates are also available.

Thank you for your support in bringing the San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus to Fresno. We look forward to seeing you at the show...

Chris Jarvis - Vice President - Gay Central Valley - [email protected] 559-274-7577


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