
Activists Launch to Support President Obama


Frustrated by the right-wing backlash against the President’s historic support for gay marriage – and fearful of its impact in giving Romney an edge – gay Obama 2012 supporters have launched to generate visiable support for the President’s pro-equality stance. The viral video campaign website’s goal is to distribute 100,000 free bumper stickers that read “Legalize Love” with the “O” being the iconic Obama symbol before the election. Free stickers are being offered on a first-come first-served basis at To promote the giveaway the website has produced an emotional viral video spot that features moving Obama speech excerpts about gay rights, edited so he is speaking in unison with lesbian and gay couples from all walks of life. The couples are dressed in wedding dresses and tuxedos and the video is black and white creating a wedding portrait feel to bring home the joy of couples in love and the sadness of how gay couples are excluded from marriage rights.

“The President is sticking up for our families and our free “Legalize Love” Obama bumper stickers are our way of literally ‘sticking up’ for him in this tight election.” said Eduardo Cisneros who co-directed the viral spot with his boyfriend Luke Montgomery. “The website and campaign video are our way of saying ‘I do’ to his re-election. It’s all about bumpers for Barack.”

In addition to rallying support for the cause on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr for the free stickers, the website plans to hold “Legalize Love” rallies around the country. Events are being planned at the Republican and Democratic conventions to both show support for the President’s position and place gentle public pressure on him to take concrete action in his second term.

With a goal of giving away 100,000 bumper stickers for free, the website is donating the first 10,000 and inviting the public to participate in helping fundraise for the rest. T-shirts reading “Legalize Love” are being offered on the site starting at $9.99 with each shirt helping pay for 5 more free bumper stickers being printed and mailed to people who sign-up at The campaign store also has wristbands, tank tops, hoodies, yard signs and buttons to help get the word out and show support for this grassroots movement.

Video co-director Luke Montgomery adds, “A Romney win in November would be a huge loss for equal marriage rights. This is our time, our chance to join together and make a difference. We hope people are inspired to share the video and ‘marry’ this cause at”


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