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ACLU To Train Fresnans For Local Civil Liberties Action

aclu headThe ACLU will conduct a half-day session February 10 to train change makers in Fresno. Focused on local action, the session will show people how to network and build skills for ACLU civil liberties campaigns such as voting rights and criminal justice reform.

The executive director of the Northern California ACLU office, Abdi Soltani, said, “This year, local action in California will have a huge impact. While President Trump spreads hate, we can spread hope. It's up to all of us to re-imagine a country that includes all people in the promises of our constitution.”

The Fresno training is part of a larger series called Trainings for Change Makers, which will help people gain skills and make connections for organizing action on a range of civil rights and civil liberties issues. The trainings are for anyone who wants to put their desire for justice and equality into action.

The February 10 training is from 11:30 to 5 p.m and includes lunch. Transportation assistance is available. Pre-registration is required. To register visit For more information call the ACLU Northern California office at (415) 621-2493.


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