Fresno passes budget with LGBTQ funding

Our efforts to secure a LGBTQ Liaison, $100k for the EOC LGBT Resource Center, and $100k for local LGBTQ nonprofits were heard loud and clear. After this past week’s budget negotiations, we are happy to report that this funding is secured in the budget!

A huge thank you to all of the community for your efforts to be engaged and supportive throughout the process.

Please consider writing an email of support to the City Council members to offer support and endorsement of the adoption of the budget.
The emails are:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (we’re sorry 😉)
[email protected]
If you don’t know which district you belong to: district locator.

Call City Hall and ask for your District’s councilperson and the Mayor: 559-621-8000

Thank y’all so much for your support!
Robin McGehee


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