ENS 2018

Expression Not Suppression Conference

ENS 2018ENS is a free, annual conference in the Fresno area of California for LGBTQ and straight ally youth who are dedicated to creating safer schools and building the GSA movement in the Central Valley.

ENS is open to middle and high school students, teachers, and GSA advisors, as well as the larger community. ENS includes free workshops on topics related to LGBTQ youth activism and safe schools. ENS also includes a free dinner, a dance and a drag show.


ENS is Community Building

“I think it’s really important now, during these trying times, that we come together as a community and lean on each other for support. We need to stick together! I’m definitely excited for this opportunity to share my knowledge and experiences with other youth, since I will be graduating soon, in hopes of inspiring them to join GSA or even the youth council.”

- Kaede Acuña, senior at Hoover High School

“GSA gives us a safe space to discuss what we are going through in our lives. ENS is a way to spread even more visibility and education to our community so we can help improve the Central Valley and make places more inclusive.”

- Paulo Carmeloapp, Senior at Clovis High School

Navigating Intersections of Identity

“I think a lot of LGBTQ+ youth struggle with being a person of faith, especially here in the Central Valley where they experience hate, and I think having ENS at a church may help trans and queer youth reconcile those different identities."

- Daniel Clark, Junior at Edison High School

“I’m glad ENS is being held at a church. It reaffirms the idea that youth can be LGBTQ+ and religious; they are not mutually exclusive. Many LGBTQ+ youth in the Central Valley come from religious homes and we don’t want youth feeling ostracized.”

- Max Chavez, Senior at Central Valley High School


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