
Tomorrow: Fresno Marriage Action 2013

freedom-to-marry-day-2013Unmarried same-sex couples who wish to marry and all who support them are invited to attend this important annual event!

This is an annual, National event happening in cities across the nation during Freedom to Marry Week!

What will happen:
We'll meet at the Fresno County Clerk's office at 12pm noon and unmarried same-sex couples will ask for marriage licenses. The media will be present to document their experience as they are denied the fundamental right to marry. Supporters will cheer on those who want to marry! Also, some time will be set aside to view a photo presentation of couples who married in 2008 and to hold signs for the cause.

We especially NEED married LGBTQI couples, our allies and supporters to cheer on their friends and take a stand on this important issue are DEFINITELY ENCOURAGED TO COME!

Please help us spread the word about this event on Facebook and Twitter. Please also send text messages to your friends to let them know!

Your attendance is greatly needed to show this issue is still important to our community.


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